Just when you all thought that the Obamessiah had arisen to his rightful place and had been coronated as King of....well everything..meet Sarah Palin! In one masterful stroke of political genius John McCain just reinvigorated his base, his party and this race. Never forget that Mr McCain has prior military experience and longevity in the cesspool of Washington, D.C. politics. He understands strategy better than most people. Obama on the other hand knows very little about the way things work in Washington and even less about military strategy. That's what allowed McCain to set this trap for him and as expected Obama took the bait. Now, he is caught and he has nowhere to run. McCain's pick of Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin was the work of a master. It was HIS pick and no one knew about it except him. McCain keeps his secrets close to his vest until he is ready to reveal his decisions and he loves to surprise people. In Sarah Palin he managed to unite all of the major voting blocs of the Republican Party AND he is now poised to take from other blocs that usually vote Democratic.
Obama's biggest mistake so far was to NOT choose Hillary as his VP choice. Sure, it would have been hell to have her down the hall for 4 years but look what it has done now. Sarah Palin is going to step into that void and some, not all, but some of Hillary's supporters, mainly women, will switch to McCain. Not to mention that now Hillary is very unhappy and feels betrayed by Obama. It will be interesting to see how "vigorously" she campaigns for him now! With this pick, McCain now has the following people in his corner for November: Christians, women, gun rights folks, Pro Lifers, Pro Energy backers, anti-global warming believers and most importantly: Conservatives. He now has enough backers to take this race. Focus on the Family's James Dobson has now endorsed the ticket and that is big because of his enormous influence with the Christian Right. Today there is new energy in the race and it is all thanks to Sarah Palin. Sure, she's not that experienced but either is Obama and that's exactly what the talk will turn to. Hence the trap set by McCain. Once the Obama supporters start talking about her lack of experience McCain can just simply remind them that Obama has LESS experience and he is on the top of the ticket. This is will not play well with people in middle America and will cause many to doubt his eligibility in these dangerous and uncertain times.
The other thing that this pick did was completely kill any energy or enthusiasm about Obamessiah's speech on Thursday night. It completely took the wind out of their sails and virtually EVERYONE was talking about Sarah Palin. Did Obama give a speech? Really? When? Oh yeah, the night before McCain chose that pretty lady from Alaska to be his VP. I remember now. Nice move, Mr McCain! And now the GOP convention kicks off and any "bump" that Obama might have enjoyed in the polls will be short lived because of the coverage that will surround the McCain-Palin ticket now. Curiosity will cause many people to tune in to hear her speak and that is exactly what McCain wants.
Lastly, the differences between these two candidates could not be more apparent especially after the Obamessiah's speech the other night. I watched the speech that was supposed to be about "specifics" and a "plan" and all I heard was promise after promise after promise...no plan. We are going to become energy independent from foreign oil in 10 years! Really? How? Even if he does win the election and has 2 terms he'll only be there for 8 years. Not to mention that if the balance of power in Congress shifts it won't be a guarantee that anything will be done according to his plan. Over-promise and under-deliver. The truth of the matter is that that speech was all about HIM. It had nothing to do with America. It was a show. "Look at me", "Look where I have arisen to". McCain's campaign slogan is "Country First" because he gets it. Obama is an empty suit that enjoys the attention and the celebrity status that he has cultivated and could care less about you and I. Look deeper into this Mr Obama and you will be shocked at what lies beneath the surface. But that story is developing even now and will have major implications on the future of Mr Obama and his aspirations. I knew that if they dug deep enough something would emerge and indeed it has..stay tuned!