Friday, February 20, 2009

This is how we treat our heroes?

Jeffrey Maxwell is a 30 year old veteran of the U.S. Marines and the War in Iraq. After his honorable service to this country he returned from the war and decided that he would go out and make something of himself and get a college degree. That was 3 years ago.

Today, Maxwell is trying to get back in college after he was ousted by a student disciplinary panel who said that he "may not re-enroll at the college until a mental health professional determines that he is not a threat to himself or the public." So what exactly did he do? Did he cheat on an exam? Did he rape a woman on campus? Did he start a riot on campus where there was property damage done? No. In fact, if he HAD done any of these he would probably still be there at Western Oregon University.

No, what Maxwell did was even more hienous than that. He was caught, on campus, with concealed weapons and .........worst of of the weapons was a gun! Can you believe that? A GUN!!!!! Well, that is inexcusable. Especially in the liberal mecca of today's university campus!!

It matters not that he had a concealed weapon's permit and was a "law abiding" gun owner. Or the fact that as a former Marine, Mr Maxwell is very well trained to use this weapon. None of that matters. What matters is that the university actually has a no-gun policy which Maxwell knew nothing about.

So how did they treat this hero? They handcuffed him and dragged him off campus. Then in their infinite wisdom, a bunch of liberal, snot-nosed kids that were probably watching High School Musical while Maxwell was dodging bullets and serving his country, decided that he must have a mental health issue and can't come back until he proves that he is mentally competent.
Why do you ask would Maxwell do such a thing? Maxwell said he was concerned about his and other students' safety after the April 2007 massacre at Virginia Tech.

"When Marines hear gunfire, we don't run from it. We run toward it," Maxwell told KATU. "I kind of thought of myself as one of the good guys – the one who, if something happened at school, was going to step in and save everybody else."

He did it for his safety and for the safety of his fellow students. Instead of watching a massacre and be powerless to stop it you would have a trained Marine that knows exactly how to nullify this type of threat and the means to do so. That way we wouldn't have to watch the body bags of over a dozen students be wheeled out the door on national television.

Apparently that makes too much sense. Instead they would rather their students be lambs waiting for the slaughter as some crazed lunatic decides he no longer wants to live and wants to take some of his fellow students with him.

This is a perfect example of political correctness gone awry. Wake up America!! We have a RIGHT to bear arms. No university law should be able to trump that of the State. At present, Maxwell is appealing his case, and the District Attorney has dropped the charges. And yet, he is going to have to beg to get back on campus and finish his education while the little punks that ousted him get to laugh behind his back (which they did after they imposed judgement) because they think they did something great and stood up for themselves. However, the only thing they have done is brought shame upon themselves and the university and have shown themselves to be ignorant of what America truly is. Cowards, all of them. To Mr Maxwell: from one Marine to another...Semper Fidelis, Marine!

BTW, I smell a lawsuit coming. Something tells me that Mr Maxwell will no longer have to be concerned (if he ever was) about money for his college education. There WILL be an apology soon also. Bet on it.

I have included the link to the article so that you can send an email to the University President and let him know EXACTLY how you feel.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Propagandist in Chief

Uh oh, someone's in trouble!!! First the surprise tax issues that embarassed and ultimatley sunk some of Obama's Cabinet Nominees and now this! I'm telling you heads will roll when this hits the cable networks.

We just watched The President of the United States get up in front of millions of people and tell a boldface lie! That's right, I called him a liar. How many times did he say "this is the worst economic period in American history, since the Great Depression." I knew it was a sham when he was saying it during the campaign but I am somewhat surprised that he is still using that phrase. Those are indeed the talking points because everyone in the media is using them. There's only one ain't true!!

According to records "The 1970s were perhaps the worst decade of Western and certainly of American economic performance since the Great Depression. " (source Wikipedia or until someone realizes it and takes it down). Now if I could find this by doing a little bit of research I'm sure The Obama Administration with it's vast resources could do the same. If they didn't then shame on them and that makes me a little nervous to say the least. If they did then they know what they are putting out is false information and they are doing it anyway. Hmmmmmm......

Again, "By the time of 1980, when U.S. President Jimmy Carter was running for re-election against Ronald Reagan, the misery index (the sum of the unemployment rate and the inflation rate) had reached an all-time high of 21.98%. "(Wikipedia) Again, the facts don't bear out Mr Obama's argument. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the current National Unemployment Rate is: 7.6% as of January 2009. The average inflation rate, according to, for 2008 was 3.85%. So as you can see we are nowhere near the numbers that were present in the 1970's.

However, none of this matters. Obama and the Dems are counting on the fact that the average American won't take the time to do the research to figure this out. Instead they will let the media and their own press releases shape the debate and strike fear into the American people. That way they can ramrod all the government spending and growth they want down your throat and when they are done you'll ask for more.

Ask yourself this question: If they are willing to be less than truthful about this what else are they planning to lie to us about? Hope, change, new direction? Elections have consequences.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Russian Bear Awakens!

Just what exactly has the Kremlin been up to lately? While we here in America have been enthralled with our latest Presidential Election, the Russians have slowly, quietly been traveling the world reaching out to our enemies and allies alike with the sole intent of strengthening their relationships with them. In the last 3+ months Dmitry Medvedev and our boy Vlad "The Mad" Putin have been to Cuba, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Venezuela and the list goes on.

At each one of these stops they have spoken of entering into new "strategic" relationships with these countries while at the same time pointing their finger in the direction of the US and calling for restraint. This is bizarre behavior unless you remember what the M.O. for the Russian's was BEFORE they became our friends. For those of us who remember the Cold War this is nothing new. This is Russia flexing it's muscle and doing it's best to spread it's brand of governement throughout the whole of the free world.

Times have changed and there is no longer Communism in the Russian State or so we have been told. If one takes a closer look at the modern-day Russia one will start to see that there is indeed a resurgence in that type of thinking and with Putin behind the scenes doing what he can to bring about a new Russian superpower, the times they are a changing!

The most recent provocation seems to be Russia inserting itself into the Afghanistan situation by promising millions in aid to Kyrgyzstan in exchange for their promise to NOT let us use their airbases to re-supply our troops in that region. I'm sure we will continue to use the airbase but is seems that Russia is going to make us pay a heavy price in order to keep this priveledge.

If you listen carefully you can almost hear the low, gutteral, growl of the bear as it slowly awakens from it's long winter's hibernation and ravenous, it begins it's search for it's long awaited meal.