Ok, so I have a question for everyone: Do you remember what your life was like BEFORE there was an Internet? I mean in the short time of it's existence (about 16 yrs) it has literally changed the way we do just about everything. You name it and the Internet has affected it in some way, shape or form. Think about it: business, pleasure, education, interaction with others, politics, the media, relationships and the list goes on. I don't think it's an accident that it's called the "web" either. I know that technically it gets it's name the web because of the inter-connections that look like a spider web when they are mapped out but I also think it is called that because just like a true spider's web once you get involved with it...you're stuck. There are many good things and bad things about this thing we call the "web" but I don't think we have really taken the time to think about how it has changed our lives. I was just speaking with my teenage daughter about this last night and the conversation we had told me that this generation and those that follow may never know the true "magic" that is the Internet. After all, it's all they know and have known. They don't recall having to go to the library and check out books or encyclopedia's to do book reports. Now they just
logon and the information from the world's libraries is at
their fingertips. How many or them know the proper way to address or write a letter? Heck email gets there in back in seconds. No more waiting weeks for a letter from a pen pal around the world. Now they can use
web cams and see and hear each other in real-time! Speaking of real-time that reminds me of how the Internet has changed the way we speak as well. Terms like: surfing the web, reboot, refresh, browser, cyberspace, and heck even BLOG did not exist 20 years ago. Never before in the history of mankind has one medium been able to satisfy the desires, wishes and inquisitive nature of so many at the same time. I imagine that this is what people were writing when the first television set burst onto the scene as well and look what THAT did to our world. If that is any indication as to where we might be headed......hold on and strap in... the ride ahead is going to get interesting.
1 comment:
Pow, and I agree. We are an "instant" society any more which is why I think so many have no patience with anything in life. Good word brother.
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