Ok, this has gone on long enough. How high do gas prices need to go before we do something about it? Maybe the reason that the members of Congress seem to care so little about this is due to the fact that they DON'T DRIVE ANYMORE! When they are busy in D.C. destroying our government they are whisked around all over town by limousines. They don't care how much gas costs because as long as they are working in an official capacity the gas is paid for by the U.S. Government. In other words, WE pay for their gas. That's right. Not only do you have to worry about shelling out $80 or more weekly to keep your own cars on the road but you are also paying for them to gallivant all over the Metro D.C. area as well. I'm sick and tired of allowing these idiots to systematically destroy our country. I think that we should start a petition that REQUIRES them to pay for their own gas from now on regardless of the form of transportation they use. That is the only way they will begin to feel the same "pain at the pump" that we do.
The other thing that "We the People" need to DEMAND is that we begin to drill for oil NOW in ANWR. There is no reason why this can't be done and at the same time take care of the precious environment. As far as I'm concerned I could care less whether the caribou have a place to run in the open Alaskan countryside. I care about the environment just as much as anyone else but when it comes down to the comfort of the caribou or the comfort of my family...guess what? The caribou lose!! We purchased the Alaskan Territory in the first place with the idea that we could use it for it's natural resources. We have the capability to drill for and produce our own oil and Congress won't let us touch it because they are beholden to the environmental wackos out there. The same people that want to ban bonfires on the beach in Seattle because it "causes global warming". Are you kidding me? Are people really that stupid? How is it that Mars and Jupiter are heating up at precisely the same level of warmth that the Earth is if WE are the cause of global warming? Are there Martians burning fossil fuels up there also? Isn't it a more plausible explanation that it could be the current cycle of the Sun instead like MANY scientists believe it is? That would make more sense. However, nothing about this argument has anything to do with common sense. It's just plain fear mongering and liberalism that has gone out of control.
If we don't do something about this now we will all be living in a very different world 10 years from now. We will NOT be the most powerful country in the world but one of the weakest. We will not be the place where dreams can come true but the place where misery and regulation abound. We will be a third world nation that is in debt to other world powers and will be well on the way to becoming the property of one of them. We are at a crossroads in our history and we need to choose where we will be in the years ahead. One road leads back to American greatness and independence and one leads to enslavement and indebtedness. We must choose to break this trend downwards or momentum will swallow us in time. WE are the people that can do this. WE must do this for us and for our children and for the generations of Americans that will follow in our footsteps. Will we answer the alarm or will we hit the snooze button.? The choice is ours. Get involved!! Call your Senator's and your Congressional Representatives and tell then TO DRILL NOW!!! If we make this a big enough deal they will HAVE to listen because this is an election year and they hear better when that's the case. Don't think that someone else is going to do it because they won't. They will think just like you and think someone else will do it. The problem is we ALL think someone else will do it and the truth is that NOBODY is doing it. Do you care enough about this country to fight for it? If not you then who? If not now then when? Enough is enough people we need to take this country back...today!!!
Are you the David J Sforza that was in Oceanside CA around 1988-89?
Who wants to know?
I apologize that was a very forward question. If you are that Dave Sforza I wanted to send a hello. We met sometime in the late 80's in Oceanside. My name is Melinda and I was a student at Claremont (CA) and drove a red vw bug. I came across this website and remembered the name. I was curious??
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