I just returned from a wonderful boat ride where we anchored in a harbor to watch the Independence Day fireworks display. Just before the show began, for us and for the hundreds of others in boats and on land, the local radio station played one of my favorite songs in order to get everyone in the mood: "Proud to be an American" by Lee Greenwood. Not only is it a great song but it also holds a special meaning to me as it was THE song when I returned from the Gulf War in 1991. It's a great song and the lyrics truly speak to the pride that I feel as an American who has had the great privilege to fight for this nation and that freedom. As we used to say in the Marines: Freedom isn't free. As long as we are willing in this country to fight for and defend that freedom we will live under it's protection if we choose to lower our guard we will lose that freedom and never get it back. At least not without another bloody conflict that gave it to us in the first place in 1776.
I believe, however, that we are in trouble in this country because we no longer hold that freedom as dear as we used to. Instead we use it as an excuse or a catch-all that allows us to abuse each other and claim that we have the freedom to do so. How many times have we seen absolutely disgusting art or movies that we KNOW are just plain wrong but instead of doing the right thing and refusing to show these examples of filth we say "It's protected by the First Amendment." Somehow, after reading many of the writings of our Forefathers, I doubt very seriously that they would approve of how badly we've abused this "right." Their intent was solely to allow other people to be heard rather than just those in power. In their day if you spoke out against the king he had you beheaded. This obviously was meant as a deterrent so that the king could rule with an iron fist and nobody would question him. The great men who started this country knew that the only way you could truly be free is if you allowed other opinions to be heard even if you didn't agree with them. Somewhere down the line some lawyer took that to mean that anyone could say anything and it was all protected speech. I'm quite sure that our Forefathers knew that there was a limit as to how far one could take this and they never could have imagined what is going on today.
The other timely issue that I see as a dangerous sign of our impending doom is the takeover of the Supreme Court. There are supposed to be three "separate but equal" branches of government. The Executive Branch (The President and Vice President), The Legislative (The House of Representatives and The Senate) and The Supreme Court. This model was designed so that there would be "checks and balances" so that one branch would not rule the others and be corrupted by absolute power. However, we are at a dangerous point in America these days where The Supreme Court and other "activist judges" have begun to legislate from the bench. Basically they have decided to usurp the power of the "people's representatives" in Congress and make their own laws. When we have judges making AND interpreting The Law they they have tipped the balance of power in their direction and there are no more "checks and balances." Thankfully with the seating of Justice Alito and Chief Justice Roberts we have started to see some semblance of sanity coming back to the Court. However, the next President will have as much as 3 or 4 nominations for the Court and that could have wide reaching repercussions for generations to come. McCain will seat somewhat conservative judges and Obama will seat ultra-liberal ones. The Court will swing either way to the right or way to the left and the country will follow suit. This, for me, is the MOST important issue of the upcoming election and I will cast my vote for McCain for that very reason.
America is a wonderful experiment in freedom and we have fought hard to get to where we are now. However, there are many enemies of America that are now planning our destruction and we better be ready for the fight. Whether the threat comes from abroad through something like Islamic terrorism or a conventional war with another country of from within by extremists on the left and their socialist views. We MUST be ready, as Lee Greenwood's song says: I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today. America is free today but without her People to defend her and keep her free she will fall. For those of us who are blessed enough to live in America we need to be ever vigilant for those that would take this freedom from us. We must remember that "We the People" are America and we carry the responsibility to keep her that way. A charge given to us by thousands that have laid down their lives and spilt their own blood so that future generations may enjoy the freedom they did. Are we going to ignore their sacrifice and just let this country be taken away from us while we sit idly by and do nothing? As a Marine, an American and as a Citizen of these great United States I state here and now: Not on my watch...NOT on my watch. E Pluribus Unum and In God We Trust!!!
I apologize that was a very forward question. If you are that Dave Sforza I wanted to send a hello. We met sometime in the late 80's in Oceanside. My name is Melinda and I was a student at Claremont (CA) and drove a red vw bug. I came across this website and remembered the name. I was curious??
Wow, talk about a blast from the past. Yes, I remember you. How are you these days. What are you up to? If I remember correctly you were from Central America correct? Do you use LinkedIn at all? If you do, go there and look me up for an updated picture. Is there another email to contact you at besides here? I would love to catch up when you get the chance.
Yes definitely a blast from the past. My email is Melynestrada@hotmail.com. It would be great to catch up on the last almost 20 years. Wow time sure has passed by quickly.
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