For the last 2 weeks I have been, like most of you, absolutely astonished at the treatment that Governor Sarah Palin has been receiving in the media and on the blogs. It is apparent now that she was a VERY wise choice for VP. In the 2 weeks since she was chosen I have watched the mainstream media, the leftist blogs and most of Hollywood lose their minds and slander this woman in any way they can. Some of the statements that have been made have shown the true nature of the dark underbelly of the Left in this country. They are terrified that "their messiah" has faltered and will now lose this election and with good reason. John McCain went from a 6 point deficit in the polls to a 5 point lead! That's 11 points in 2 weeks. He is clearly surging at the right time. People are now paying more attention to the race and they are tuning in more carefully to what each of these candidates intends to do in The White House. With that attention comes scrutiny and so far the American people are not convinced that Obama is the guy to lead this nation. Sure he still has the lead in the traditional "blue states" but even those are starting to come into play and before its all over this could result in a landslide victory for McCain/Palin. Don't forget that most of this will be over on election night BEFORE the mid-west and the west coast gets to vote at all. They will already have an idea by the time they go into the polls as to who is winning this thing and everyone likes to back a winner.
Since these attacks on Governor Palin have backfired and continue to do so I believe that things will soon get even uglier and before it's all said and done there may be a lawsuit involved. Sure, you can say things about your opponent that are slightly untrue in politics because that is the way that the game is played. I wish it wasn't but it is what it is. However, when you start to accuse, slander and frankly make up stuff that you KNOW is not true like some of the media and the lefty bloggers have done, you have then crossed the line. I personally see this getting much nastier and I think the end result will be a huge backlash from women and values voters in this country who are now more energized than at any other time in this race. Remember, it's only September and as of today there are 53 more days before Election Day. October and the inevitable "surprise" that comes with it is yet to come.
There are many things that can still affect the outcome of this race and they need to be considered. Things like: an Israeli attack on Iran, a Russian stalemate in Georgia, the death of a prominent politician/world leader, a resurgence of violence in Afghanistan or a terrorist attack. All of these things could alter the mood of the country and cause people to sway from one candidate to the next. However, I believe that the momentum is building on John McCain's side and that wave is starting to sweep across the country. There is only one more crucial event/events that will have an outcome on this race and that is the Presidential Debates. I'm not worried about the VP Debates because quite frankly they don't matter. Sure, they will be watched VERY closely this time around but in the end it will be the main Presidential Debates that will cause voters to choose one candidate over the other. Because John McCain is a skillful and experienced debater (that's what Senators do all day) I look for him to shine in this forum. That is also why I think the Dem's will decide to "go nuclear" now so that they can damage him and his running mate BEFORE the debates and therefore slow down the momentum. They know that John McCain will do well here so they need to make him look old, unprepared, like a Bush clone or out of touch with America. Look for the heat to get turned up on both McCain and Palin within all segments of the left in this country: MSM, Hollywood, lefty bloggers, etc. This will be an all out attack on all things Republican. They realize that if they can't win with someone who is so polished and "anointed" for this office than they can't win. My prediction: John McCain will win and it will be by 10% points. Then the fun begins as the left completely unravels in the face of a huge defeat. This could mark the end of the Democratic Party in America as we now know it. What will be birthed in its place will be something much, much worse.
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