In what has to be the most disrespectful and dishonest piece of journalism written on this subject to date, Newsweek's "religion writer" Lisa Miller has taken a very hard jab at the religious side of the gay marriage debate. In her piece "The Religious Case for Gay Marriage" she basically tries to argue that The Bible is NOT specific when it comes to the issue and that when religious people use this as a basis for their opposition towards gay marriage they are merely allowing their own interpretation to guide their decisions. The byline of her piece states: Opponents of gay marriage often cite Scripture. But what the Bible teaches about love argues for the other side. Really? Well since it is obvious to me that Lisa Miller has not READ The Bible, I've decided to help her out with what it DOES say about this issue.
First, it's interesting to note that she uses the age-old tactic of quoting from the Old Testament when she describes the different types of "marriages" that God allowed in ancient times. This is something that people often do when they want you to believe that God actually said you COULD have 10 wives or husbands. Well, let's use the very document that she pretends to be referencing from to make her argument. What does God say about marriage?
In Genesis 2:22-24 God puts Adam to sleep and removes a rib from him in order to create woman. He then present her to Adam who uses poetry when he lays his eyes upon her and calls her woman. The next verse 2:24 states the following: Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. This is the first time that The Bible talks of marriage as between a man and a woman but it is not the last.
Let's look at what Jesus says about marriage in the New Testament. In Mark 10 Jesus is confronted by the Pharisees and they attempt to trick him into answering a question about divorce. Knowing the hardness of their hearts Jesus answers them this way: But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain (the two) shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain (two), but one flesh. Did you see what just happened? When Jesus was given the chance to speak of the issue of marriage he VALIDATED the Old Testament Scripture as written in Genesis. He also reiterated that God's plan for marriage is one woman and one man. Could it be any clearer than that? No I think not.
So why then would Newsweek take on this issue and blatantly LIE about it? Because they know that most people haven't or won't take the time to read what The Bible says about this issue. They would rather just listen to the media shape their argument for them and then regurgitate it at the opportune time.
Is it possible that there is some other agenda at work here? Absolutely! This is Newsweek's way of protesting the Proposition 8 vote in California recently. They, along with most members of the MSM and Hollywood are outraged that this actually passed. They are thinking to themselves: How DARE the people vote this down!!! What is wrong with them? They obviously don't know the truth behind this issue because they are all stupid and it is up to US to educate them.
The TRUTH of the matter is that we are VERY educated on this issue and we know EXACTLY what The Bible says about it. Regardless of how many "progressive scholars" they trot out to say that we are narrow-minded, intolerant, unloving and stupid WE know why we believe what we believe and we have The Bible to back us up.
The crux of the argument for Newsweek though is not the issue of marriage at all but the opposition to homosexuality itself. Miller claims it's because "we evangelicals" have a hang up with "sex between men" but are somehow ok with lesbian sex. Again, for a "religious writer" she knows very little about her stated subject. The Bible has a great deal to say about homosexuality which for some reason Lisa Miller can't seem to find either. (I'm seriously thinking of sending her my highlighted, underlined and dog-eared Bible so that she can use it as research for her next "religious" article.) For example in Romans 1 we read: "For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error." No ambiguity there, right? I mean can The Bible state it any clearer than it does right there? No, I think not.
And lastly, she resorts to the whole "living document" argument often used by liberals when discussing their opposition to the 2nd Amendment. She states: "Biblical literalists will disagree, but the Bible is a living document, powerful for more than 2,000 years because its truths speak to us even as we change through history." So if we choose to believe that The Bible is to be taken literally then we are obviously not allowing ourselves and out thinking to "change through history". You know, EVOLVE! However, what she fails to understand is that The Bible's truths are supposed to be applied to our lives so that IT changes us, not the other way around.
This whole article is somewhat disingenuous in the fact that Miller does her best to justify the homosexual lifestyle as acceptable in the eyes of God and counts on the fact that most of her loyal readers won't take the time to see if what she says is true. This is in fact a veiled attack on evangelical and fundamental Christianity at is core and it's goal is to further demean bible-believing Christians on the national and world stage. As I stated in my earlier End Days series.....we are getting very close The End and the signs are visible everywhere you look. This attack on God's Word and on His people is just the latest salvo.
I would also suggest reading Dr Albert Mohler's latest blog on this very article. Very good! It can be found here: http://www.albertmohler.com/
Good piece David!
Thanks Big K!
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