Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The War Against The CIA Continues

In yet ANOTHER reversal of policy by the Obama Administration, Attorney General Holder has announced he will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the CIA interrogators who used tough interrogation techniques to see which of them will be prosecuted.
In a word: STUPID.
At a time when you would think that Obama would be trying to gain some allies for his policies, he is instead creating more enemies.
This shows an extreme lack of executive leadership experience and will strike another blow to an already wounded presidency.
Holder, and by extension Obama, have decided that one of the most important things they can do at this moment in time is declare open war on the CIA.
Brilliant. Nevermind the fact that we now know that the deficit will be an additional 2 Trillion for the next 10 years, the job situation grows worse every month and the American People are in an almost full rebellion against it's government. Apparently, none of that matters.
This whole attack on the CIA is dangerous because it's political in nature. The Obama Administration is doing this primarily so they can distract the American People from the REALLY bad news of the economy and the fact that their "stimulus" isn't working.
In the meantime, this action, even if it doesn't culminate in prosecutions, will have a devastating effect upon the intelligence community in this country.
This will cause a ripple effect that will spread far and wide throughout our wall of protection.
Many of these CIA Agents are selfless people who put their country before their own lives and ask little in return except for the gratitude of the nation and cover for them to do their job.
Let's not forget that we have been SAFE for 8 years now. It's not that there haven't been any attacks planned, they've just been thwarted.
That doesn't happen by coincidence folks. It take months and sometimes years of hard work in dangerous places upon this globe to gather that kind of information. Be glad you DON'T do it but someone has to.
All they ask for is protection so they can get their job done so that WE can all live in peace.
Instead, Obama plans to parade them before the Congress and embarras them publicly. How proud he'll be on that day.
We know for a fact that these interrogators DID gather actionable intelligence that SAVED LIVES. That's indisputable.
According to the Inspector General's investigation nearly 50% of all intelligence gathered that was deemed to be "good" intelligence came from the enhanced interrogations.
Most of which came from KSM himself: KSM, Khalid Shayk Muhammad , the architect of 9/11, “provided information that helped lead to the arrests of terrorists including Sayfullah Paracha and his son Uzair Paracha, businessmen whom Khalid Shayk Muhammad planned to use to smuggle explosives into the United States; Saleh Almari, a sleeper operative in New York; and Majid Khan, an operative who could enter the United States easily and was tasked to research attacks (part redacted). Khalid Shauk Muhammad’s information also led to the investigation and prosecution of Iyman Faris, a truck driver arrested in early 2003 in Ohio.” (Page 87 of the report).
In addition, the IG report (which was given to the Justice Department when it was written five years ago) alleges a number of abuses of detainees including “mock executions” and threats to relatives of the prisoners.
However, according to an August 19, 2009 letter signed by Sen. Kit Bond, ranking Republican on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and eight other Republicans, “Three former Attorneys General and numerous career prosecutors have examined the findings of that report and other evidence and determined that the facts do not support criminal prosecution.”
I think Senator Kit Bond's statement summed it up rather well: “First the White House usurps control over terrorist interrogations, signaling to the world they have lost confidence in Leon Panetta and our intelligence community, and now the Obama Justice Department launches a witch-hunt targeting the terror-fighters who have kept us safe since 9-11. With a criminal investigation hanging over the Agency’s head, every CIA terror fighter will be in CYA mode. With things heating up in Afghanistan and Iraq, this looking back and unwarranted "redo" of prior Justice Department decisions couldn’t come at a worse time for the safety of our troops in harm’s way and our nation.”
Reportedly, this has so angered CIA Director Leon Panetta, a VERY partisan Democrat from the Clinton Administration, that Holder's announcement of a federal prosecutor was prededed by what ABC News reported as a “profanity-laced screaming match” at the White House where Panetta may have threatened to quit.
They just keep piling up for Obama and he still hasn't learned anything. Soon, though he will realize that The White House can be a very lonely place when there are no allies outside of those pristine doors to watch your back.
As Autumn winds begin to blow their familiar , crisp air into the DC area as an omen of the coming Winter, Obama may soon find out how cold Washington can really be.

Monday, August 24, 2009

For Congressional Democrats it's Time to Panic

It has been obvious for some time now that the American people are NOT particularly thrilled with the way the Dem's are running Congress these days.
However, they didn't think that they would do anything desperate and take them out of power. "We'll fight through this" they said. Indeed.
It would appear now however, that that which they feared the most is about to happen. Many prominent Dem's can see the storm clouds gathering in the distance.
As reported in Politico this week:
Charlie Cook, one of the best political handicappers in the business, sent out a special update to Cook Political Report subscribers Thursday that should send shivers down Democratic spines.
Reviewing recent polling and the 2010 election landscape, Cook can envision a scenario in which Democratic House losses could exceed 20 seats.
"These data confirm anecdotal evidence, and our own view, that the situation this summer has slipped completely out of control for President Obama and Congressional Democrats. Today, The Cook Political Report’s Congressional election model, based on individual races, is pointing toward a net Democratic loss of between six and 12 seats, but our sense, factoring in macro-political dynamics is that this is far too low," he wrote.
"Many veteran Congressional election watchers, including Democratic ones, report an eerie sense of déjà vu, with a consensus forming that the chances of Democratic losses going higher than 20 seats is just as good as the chances of Democratic losses going lower than 20 seats."
Cook scrupulously avoided any mention that Democratic control of the House is in jeopardy but, noting a new Gallup poll showing Congress’ job disapproval at 70 percent among independents, concluded that the post-recess environment could feel considerably different than when Congress left in August.
"We believe it would be a mistake to underestimate the impact that this mood will have on Members of Congress of both parties when they return to Washington in September, if it persists through the end of the Congressional recess."
And then there are the anti-Obama Administration columns that are beginning to be written by .....once Obama supporters:
Obama's Enforcer: Not Really Tough Enough, Joe Conason
U.S. Economy: Time for a Real Jobs Stimulus?, Kevin O'Leary Time
Mixed Signals on the Public Option, Paul Krugman NYT
Rasmussen Reports from Thursday, August 18th reported:
Republican candidates have now matched their biggest lead over Democrats of the past several years on the Generic Congressional Ballot.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 43% would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate while 38% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent.
Democrats held a six- or seven-point lead on the ballot for the first few weeks of 2009. That began to slip in early February, and from mid-April through June the two parties were roughly even. Republicans have held a lead on the ballot since the last week in June, the first time they'd been on top in well over a year.
For the second time in three weeks, women favor Republicans slightly more than Democrats, 41% to 39%. Men prefer the GOP by a 45% to 36% margin this week.
And finally this:
When asked the qustion if the country was headed in the right direction or was on the wrong track the respondents overwhelmingly felt that we were headed on the wrong track:
Poll Date Right Direction Wrong Track
ABC News/WP 8/13-8/17 44 55
Pew 8/11-8/17 28 65
Rasmussen 8/10-8/16 34 61
DailyKos/R20008/10-8/13 42 53
All of this data taken together does not bode well for the Democrats.
If they plan to stay in power it would behoove them to listen to these numbers, who represent LIKELY voters, and do as they wish.
Otherwise, come November of 2010 we'll all be talking about how the GOP won back control of Congress and how badly the Dem's were beaten.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Backlash Begins...On both Sides!

For a while now I have been saying that there was a backlash coming and the recent confrontations at many local "town hall" meetings is evidence of exactly that.
However, there has also been an interesting development that many probably didn't see coming. The Democratic backlash against...the Democrats.
The left-wing lunatics within the Democratic Party apparently don't want ANY moderation in their party.
From The Hill:
Reid slammed the DNC for targeting Democrats instead of Republicans or special interest groups that traditionally oppose Democratic policies.
“I think it’s a waste of money,” Reid said when asked about the ads. “Democrats running ads against Democrats?”
The campaign comes one month after a coalition of liberal groups, including ACORN, the AFL-CIO and MoveOn.org, launched a $1.1 million television ad campaign to sway centrist Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee.
So not ONLY are these poor Dems getting lambasted by their own constituents for supporting..well EVERYTHING but now they are also getting sniped at from the very same people who are supposed to have their back. Awesome.
It's a real sight to see. I almost pity them....almost.
I knew this would happen sooner or later and I said so many times. Obama and the Dems over-reached and now they are going to pay the price.
Apparently, they think we are in the middle of some kind of Liberal Revolution. Can you smell the pot in the air and hear Jimmy jamming the Star Spangled Banner in the background?
This is their BIG moment. We are witnessing the "Final Solution" that the liberals have been planning for forty years.
They are "all in" on this one and they want that bracelet (if you watch World Poker tour you know exactly what I mean here).
The question is how far are they willing to go to get it? Will they be willing to sacrifice a few "moderate" Democrats just so that they can shove this crap down the throats of the American People?
What they don't understand is that they are digging their own graves.
They are so drunk with power that they think they can do whatever they want.
Congress ridiculed the CEO's of the Big 3 for flying in to Washington in their private, corporate jets and then turns around and orders 2 Gulfstream Jets for THEM that will cost US $132 Million.
The White House is openly asking citizens to "report anything fishy" to them if there is someone out there that is posting wrong information about healthcare reform. That's right, TURN IN YOUR NEIGHBORS AMERICA! And you were worried about the NSA wiretapping program under "W"? LOL!
We are at a critical juncture in this country right now and the stress, the anger and the frustration at what the government is doing is going to reach a breaking point.
When double-digit inflation hits this country like a tsunami about a year from now this current situation will look like a blip on a radar screen.
Our government is effectively treating us like dogs and they've backed us into a corner.
When our "elected representatives" begin deciding on THEIR OWN what they will and won't support then it's time to clean house.
Somewhere along the line, they forgot that they are supposed to represent US.
How dare they think they can go to Congress and pass legislation and NOT have to abide by it as well.
This is exactly the type of elite mindset that caused the first American Revolution. "Those commoners won't dare stand up to us."
There is still time to rectify this but it better happen soon.
Mark my words: this is only the calm before the STORM.