Wednesday, November 26, 2008

How close are we? Part III

This is a continuation of the End Days Series. In this installment we will look at the most controversial subject surrounding the End Times period. It's mainly controversial because even within the Christian community there are opposing views as to how and when it will occur. There is however a consensus that it WILL some point. I'm talking about The Rapture. This is the moment in which Jesus Christ returns for His TRUE church and removes them from the world "in the blink of an eye". Before we get into this though we need to present the facts.

Fact 1: The word Rapture does not appear anywhere in Scripture.

Fact 2: The Bible states emphatically that this will be a supernatural event that will involve the transformation of the participants.

Fact 3: There is no timeline given for when this will actually happen.

Ok, so let's take these one at a time and dissect them.

The word Rapture does not appear anywhere in Scripture.

Regardless of what translation you use of The Bible you will be hard pressed to find the word Rapture. That's because it isn't in there. Now you are probably asking yourself "If it's not mentioned then how can we believe in it?". That is explained by taking a look at where the word came from. The Greek word used in The Bible to explain this event is "harpazo". Harpazo means to be "caught up" or "snatched away". This is the word used by the Apostle Paul when he describes the event itself:

I Thessalonians 4:16-17 states the following:

For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the call of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, all the Christians who have died will rise from their graves.

Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and remain with him forever. (NLT)

He uses that word to describe what action will be taking place during this event we call The Rapture. The word "rapture" however comes from the Latin word raptus which means the same thing. It makes sense that the English word rapture would then be used since we live in an English driven world rather than the Greek. However, they mean the same thing.

Fact 2: The Bible states emphatically that this will be a supernatural event that will involve the transformation of the participants.

As you can see this in NOT the Second Coming because Jesus does not actually come back to Earth. Instead he calls His people to Him and they are removed from Earth.

Now you may be asking yourself how it would be possible for all of these people to just float up into the air and totally disregard the laws of physics? Well frankly, it's not. There won't be millions of bodies shooting through the sky to go meet the Lord because they would burn up at some point once they entered the atmosphere. Instead these believers are "transformed" into spirit beings which can travel with no restrictions through time and space. The Bible describes this this way:

1 Corinthians 15:51-53 states:

But let me tell you a wonderful secret God has revealed to us. Not all of us will die, but we will all be transformed.

It will happen in a moment, in the blinking of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, the Christians who have died will be raised with transformed bodies. And then we who are living will be transformed so that we will never die.

For our perishable earthly bodies must be transformed into heavenly bodies that will never die.

As you can see The Bible take great pains to make sure that the reader understands that something supernatural is going to happen to these bodies. Also, one thing you should know about Scripture is if there are words that are repeated it's because they are very important. Basically, God through His Word, is stressing to us that this is a very important detail.

So, what you have is people that will be supernaturally transformed into spirit beings and removed so quickly that other than those experiencing it no one will know it happened!!

Fact 3: There is no timeline given for when this will actually happen.

Now you would think that if something like this was going to happen surely The Bible would want us to know when. Interestingly enough though it remains strangely silent. Even Jesus Himself proclaims that he does not know when it will happen.

In Matthew 24:36 He states:

"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."

And again He states in verse 42:

Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.

Even though He makes it apparent that we cannot know WHEN this will happen He does tell us that it will be unexpected and catch many off guard.

In verses 43 and 44 He states:

But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into.

Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

Clearly this is a warning. One thing that must be noted here is that presently there are NO outstanding prophetic signs that must be fulfilled before this event can take place. It could literally happen at any time and will...soon.

Now just take a moment to think about what this event would do to this world when it happens.

How many cars will be without a driver?

How many planes will be without a pilot?

How many surgeons will vanish while in surgery?

And the list goes on. This will have an immediate and devastating impact on the whole world since it will not be limited to just one country or continent.

Millions will vanish with no explanation and those left behind will bear the brunt of the chaos that will follow. It will not be a great day to say the least and will set the stage for a new world leader. Someone who can emerge from the shadows and bring order to the chaos. Someone who will have an answer for what just happened or at least a plausible explanation that the world will believe. The Bible has a great deal to say about this world leader which we will explore in the final blog of this series. Enter: The Antichrist. Coming soon...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hoist the colors, mates!!

I interrupt this End Days series for a breaking news flash of global impotence on a grand scale! I apologize for breaking in here but I just HAD to blog on this. I'm talking about the ridiculous international stand-off with the so-called Somali Pirates. First of all I can't even believe that there are world leaders who are actually considering paying the ransom to these idiots. In case you have NOT heard the news, a band of Somali pirates have hijacked and are holding for ransom a large (very large) oil tanker. The cargo of crude oil on board has an estimated value of $1oo million and the pirates have asked for a ransom of $10 million. According to reports, there is enough oil on board to supply the whole country of France for one day. (Well if it's only France?) Just kidding, we like them now. But seriously, Somali pirates? Have we lost our minds talking with these fools?
So far this year they have captured some 90 vessels and taken in quite a bit of money. This obviously cannot be allowed to continue. If the world allows this to happen then the price of oil will go up dramatically again and the pirates will be emboldened. There is also some evidence that they are very well organized and coordinated in their attacks. This leads the US Navy to believe that they may be part of a larger organization and quite possibly affiliated with our buddies al Queda.

I have given this much thought and here is what I propose. From now on the ships passing by this area should be given security escorts of small attack boats that can intercept their attack boats and do battle head to head. We can't put our bug ships in there because this could be an attempt by Osama and the boys to lure us into a trap and attack us like they did the USS Cole. Next, we should get an aircraft carrier close enough to provide air cover with our fighters around the clock. They won't need to be there for more than a month or two to do what needs to be done. In addition to the fighter jet air cover we should also launch Predator Drones and begin to target these pirate vessels at sea. These pirates have shown that they are willing to engage in combat to attain their booty so let's meet them where they are! Lastly, a massive bombing campaign for 2 weeks on the Port of Eyl which is the are they tend to use as a base of operations. I mean let's be frank, what are they going to do in retaliation? Nothing. As far as I'm concerned, they still owe us for the 2 Blackhawk Helicopters that were lost in action there. Does anyone remember when they dragged the bodies of the dead soldiers through the streets on live TV and CNN broadcast it all over the world? If not then you need to rent the movie Blackhawk Down. Frankly, I'm still angry about that and it's payback time!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

How close are we? Part II

As promised, this is Part II of my series on the End Days. This time we will take a look at an event that is promised to be the most earthshaking, wonderful, spectacular event ever witnessed by mankind. Since there have been several spectacular, earthshaking and wonderful events already you can imagine (or maybe you can't) what one would need to be to be called the greatest in all of history! To be sure it will be BIG, REALLY BIG!! Let's take a closer look at what The Bible says.

The Second Coming has long been a promised intervention, by Jesus Christ, in this world's history that Christians, and to some extent non-Christians, have found to be somewhat mysterious. I guess we should look at WHY this is going to happen first.

While Jesus walked the Earth He made a promise to all that followed Him then and those that would in the future that even though He had to leave, He would one day return. The reason for His return? To claim His rightful place as the Ruler of the World. You see, Christians believe, because The Bible tells us so, that because of what Jesus did (Death on The Cross), He would be rewarded for His obedience. God commanded that ALL things would then be under the power, rule and control of Jesus Christ. And when God says ALL things He means ALL things. It is at the time of His coming that Jesus will establish His kingdom upon the Earth and ALL nations will be ruled by Him. This will be the "restoration" of all things. Just as The Fall (think Adam and Eve here) set in motion the Death of all of Creation so the return of Jesus will set in motion the restoration of all Creation. You see God planned a much different world than the one we live in today. If you go back and read Genesis you will see how great things were before The Fall. God said several times during Creation that "it was good". But what does that mean? It means that the following DID NOT exist in the world God created: sin, evil, hate, anger, disease, natural disasters, death, envy, greed and the list goes on and on. The world that God created was perfect in every way, as were we (mankind), until we rebelled against Him. Once Adam and Eve rebelled against God the world started to die, as did we, and it has continued to do so to this very day. That is why Jesus must come again to restore all things. When He comes again he will destroy all of the above mentioned evils and vices and the world will be perfect again. His return will usher in the Thousand Year Reign of Peace.

What should we expect when Jesus comes again? A good place to look is in The Book of Matthew the 24th Chapter, of The New Testament. Here the Disciples come to Him and ask what will be happening when He returns and what they should expect? The following will be present:

False Messiahs (they will actually refer to themselves as "the Christ" Matthew 24:5

Wars and rumors of wars 24:6

Famines, diseases and earthquakes 24:7

Murder, persecution and hatred of Christians 24:9, 10

False "holy leaders" or prophets that will cause many to be deceived 24:11

Lawlessness and lack of love in the world 24:12

Christian Gospel preached everywhere in the world 24:14

So as you can see it's not going to look like the Land of Oz!! (We are definitely not in Kansas anymore Toto!)The interesting thing about this passage is that if you take a closer look at the present state of the world today it looks eerily similar doesn't it? Perhaps now we should look at WHEN this will take place.

Although Jesus goes into great detail to tell us what the world will be like when He comes again He never says when. In fact he states in scripture that even He does not know when but only God Himself. So unfortunately that is a question that we cannot answer. We can only hope and wait for that day to come.

Even though we do not know when, we do get an idea of WHAT will happen when Jesus returns. The Bible tells us that this will be THE MOST incredible, amazing, fantastic, sorrowful (for some) day in history! The Bible says that Jesus will come riding a heavenly white horse and an Army will be following Him. the Army of The Lord (Talk about a Breaking News Alert!!) Jesus, along with His army, will meet the armies of the world at the Valley of Meggido or Armageddon and He will destroy the "beast" or the Antichrist (One World Leader) and the armies of the world arrayed against Israel. In one fell swoop the power and might of Jesus Christ will be shown to all. The first time He came He allowed Himself to be beaten and killed. This time around He returns as Judge and ALL will bow before Him. From this point onward He will set up His kingdom on Earth and will rule with an iron hand. Basically, what He says goes....period. This will be a wonderful time of great peace and tranquility like the Earth has never seen since the days of Creation. Once and for all there will be no questions as to who He is because He will live amongst us.

Now some of you are thinking: "This is the craziest thing I have ever heard and this idiot actually believes this"! YES, I do. However, it does not surprise me that there are those who do not. In fact, The Bible itself predicts that there will be people who scoff at the idea of the Second Coming : 2 Peter 3:3-4 says:

First, I want to remind you that in the last days there will be scoffers who will laugh at the truth and do every evil thing they desire.

This will be their argument: "Jesus promised to come back, did he? Then where is he? Why, as far back as anyone can remember, everything has remained exactly the same since the world was first created." (New Living Translation)

As you can see The Bible, once again, accurately predicted the future. You must understand that my belief begins and ends with scripture. In other words; without The Bible there IS no Christianity. That is why so many have tried over the centuries to either destroy it, ban it or discredit it. Take away The Bible and Christianity dies. and so many have tried and continue to try even today to do away with this holy book. The Bible continues to prove that it is God's Word with each passing day and year. Predictions made thousands of years ago continue to come true. History, as The Bible explains it, continues to be proven true with each archaeological find. So you must ask yourself this question: If The Bible predicts that all of this will happen and it has never been proven to be inaccurate then shouldn't I read it and learn to understand it's message?

I think the one thing that people need to understand is that God has not hidden this from us in any way. He TELLS us what will happen in The Bible. His hope is that you will see what is coming and turn your life around before it's too late. He wants you to be saved from what is coming but you must choose to do so. Coming soon: Part III The Rapture.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How close are we? Part I

This post will be one of a series that I am going to do that will mix modern day events with my beliefs of Christianity and the topic of the "End Days". In order for us to properly examine this topic we will need to rely heavily on what I believe to be God's Word: The Bible. I must first put out the disclaimer that I am a fundamentalist and a literalist. This means that I believe what the scriptures say and I believe it literally. This is somewhat of a radical view even among Christians but I tend to believe that if there is a God and He did leave His Word for us to follow, then chances are very good that He meant for us to understand it. Many people believe that God has hidden many things in "codes" within the Bible. I am not a big believer in this since they seem to change every time someone puts out a new "Bible Code" book and if there is one thing that I know about God it's that He is "the same yesterday, today and tomorrow" (Hebrews 13:8). So keeping this in mind let's look at what the Bible says and how it relates to our world.

First, let's discuss a topic that many people are discussing these days: The End Times. How can we say that we are truly living in the last days or end times? Surely if we were nearing "the end" God would let us know that we were right? In fact He has. Case in point: 1 Timothy 3:1-3:4 says the following in the New Testament-

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good,traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God (NKJV)

Now you don't have to be a theologian to understand that all of what is being discussed here is present within this world today and has been for sometime. Now here is the rub: Did you catch when these things will supposedly be present? In the first line it says the last days. So now you have to ask yourself a question here: If these things have been present in the world for sometime now and The Bible says that these things will happen in "the last days" then that means that we have been living in the last days for quite sometime. Right? What if I told you that The Bible actually states that we have been living in the "last days" of "end times" for over 2,000 years? Don't believe me? Here's the proof: 1 Peter 1:20 in the New Testament says the following:

He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you (NKJV)

WHOA! What does that say? Maybe a more simplified version will make it plainer:

God chose him for this purpose long before the world began, but now in these final days, he was sent to the earth for all to see. And he did this for you. (NASB)

Yep, that's right. Basically, according to God, the last days or end times BEGAN when Jesus revealed Himself upon this Earth some 2,000+ years ago!! This little revelation gives new meaning to the whole argument that mankind is running out of time. Technically, we have been living on borrowed time for quite a while. I think this is enough for you to digest for now. More to come in the next posting: The Second Coming. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Birthday and Thank You!

This is a special dedication to two groups of people that I know very well: Veterans and Marines. I would first like to take this chance to say Happy Birthday Marines!!! It all started on November 10th 1775 and has continued to this very day. This year marks 223 years of valiant, dedicated service to the United States and it's people. Ronald Reagan said of the Marines: "Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they've made a difference, the Marines don't have that problem". For 223 years when America needed her Marines to answer the call to protect it's freedom Marines have answered that call "in every climb and place". I spent 15 years in this glorious organization and I can honestly tell you that those were the best years of my life. I met some of the bravest, toughest, humorous and intelligent people that I have ever encountered within the ranks of the Marines. The tradition that was started all those years ago lives on today in every Marine or former Marine because there is no such thing as an ex-Marine. No matter when you served, what your rank or what your occupation was, when you meet another Marine you are brothers. This has been, is now and will continue to be the "finest fighting force the world has ever seen"! To the Devil dogs, Leathernecks and Jarheads out there, Semper Fi Marines!!!
To all my fellow veterans out there I also give a hearty thank you to you as well. Whether you are still in or are retired or you did your time and got out, you're still a vet and that's something to be proud of. In this world where we face uncertain challenges from numerous enemies abroad, I for one am thankful that we still have young men and women that are willing to answer the call. I have chewed some of the same dirt that you are chewing now depending on where you are and I feel safer here at home knowing you are on duty. In modern day America there are far too many who choose to slander and blame you for simply doing your job and I know sometimes it can be rough. However, you must know that the LARGE majority of us here in America still love and appreciate and thank God for your sacrifice. So this Veteran's Day I raise a glass in toast to all of those who have ever worn the uniform. Here's to the best America has to offer! Here, here!!

American Coup d'état

Is that a harsh thing to say? Yes, it is. But guess what folks? It's looking more and more like it might be true. This however, was a bloodless coup. Or at least it is so far. This was also a coup that involved the participation of millions of voters who were duped. What is this coup that I refer to? I am speaking of the election of Barack Hussein Obama who quite possibly is not even eligible to run for the office of The President of the United States. Let's examine the facts.

First and most important on this list is the fact that Obama has yet to actually prove that he is a natural born citizen of the United States; a prerequisite for anyone seeking the highest office in the land. Sure this was brought up during the waning days of the election but it has never been resolved. Attorney Philip Berg, a lifelong Democrat from Pennsylvania, is still fighting this in court and is currently awaiting the Obama camp to produce documents to the Supreme Court. Mr Berg tried to get an injunction to stop the election but it was denied by Justice Souter. However, Justice Souter's Clerk also required the defendants to respond to the Writ of Certiorari (which requires the concurrence of four Justices) by December 1. At that time, Mr. Obama must present to the Court an authentic birth certificate, after which Mr. Berg will respond. (Philip Berg News Release). So basically, the Obama camp can make this whole thing go away by just presenting his Certified Birth Certificate, which they have not done to date. If he fails to do so by the December 1 deadline then we might have a situation on our hands where the Supreme Court will have to either intervene or just let it go. We could be talking about the possibility of nullification of the election results which could be catastrophic for this country.

Second-The conflicting testimony of his relatives. His grandmother said that she remembers watching him being born in a hospital in Mombasa, Kenya in 1961. His sister says that he was born in a hospital in Hawaii but names the wrong hospital according to the records the Obama camp has released. You also have the Governor of Hawaii who has ordered the birth records sealed unless Mr Obama decided to release it to the public. Folks, this little comedy of errors would be hilarious if this situation wasn't so serious. Why won't Obama just release his records rather than stonewall everyone and fight it in court? The only reason that I can come up with is he has something to hide.

Third-The treatment of those reporters/journalists who have gone to Kenya to investigate further the Kenyan connection to Obama. Jerome Corsi, famous for his book "Unfit For Command" which is credited with rallying the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth who eventually helped to defeat John Kerry's Presidential bid, visited Kenya to dig deeper into the mystery behind this Kenyan connection. By his own account he was "detained inside the country and held incommunicado for 72 hours". He was literally detained by a heavily armed security force, put into a holding cell and then brought to an airport 72 hours later and told "Go to Hell, don't come back"! This would seem somewhat suspicious since he had not gone anywhere or done anything that would have warranted that type of treament but you must remember who runs Kenya:Raila Odinga. A brutal dictator who just happens to be Barack Obama's cousin. Get the picture?

Finally, I am not accusing anyone of anything by saying this but i find it awfully interesting that Barack Obama basically stopped his campaign and dropped everything to go to Hawaii to see his ailing grandmother and then suddenly his birth records are sealed days later. Again, I am only pointing out the strange occurrences that surround Mr Obama's lack of evidence and his insistence to fight this at every turn. This may turn out to be much ado about nothing or it might be the biggest crisis we have ever faced in this country hands down. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking and December 1st quickly approaches.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Scapegoat

Well, I had a feeling this would happen but I must admit I didn't think it would happen so quickly. The "insiders" from the McCain Campaign have begun to join their counter-parts in the MSM to destroy Sarah Palin. Not even 24 hours had elapsed after the defeat of the McCain/Palin ticket that the vicious attacks began to emerge. "She didn't even know that Africa was a continent", "She spent more money on her family than she should have and she is quite the diva when it comes to clothes", "She treated the staff very badly and she threw temper tantrums when she saw the bad news coverage". These are just a few of the allegations that have been leveled at Governor Palin but there are many more. The elite, liberal media has gladly accepted this "red meat" offered up to it by the "insiders" and have run with it. There is now a full blown campaign to destroy Sarah Palin and make sure that she will have no chance to run again as a national figure. Interestingly enough, this has only shown to increase her support amongst the conservative base that STILL loves her. The more they attempt to smear her the stronger her support gets. So why is that? Let's look at a few reasons.

First, many of those who supported McCain did so because of her. The simple fact of the matter is the McCain Campaign was in deep trouble before she joined the ticket and the election would have been more of a massacre (it's already kind of ugly) had she not been there to energize the conservative base. I went to 3 political rallies here in Florida: 2 for Palin and 1 for McCain. She outdrew him 2 to 1 every time! She is the reason why so many, like myself, decided that we needed to do more than just vote to help the McCain Campaign. Because of her the volunteer ranks swelled overnight. Another thing that I can tell you since I have seen her up close and personal is she is a better public speaker than ANY of the other candidates, period. Joe Biden, well we already know how well he does in public, is no match for her. John McCain is not inspiring even though he attempts to be and he does NOT connect with the audience. Obama is HORRIBLE when he doesn't have a teleprompter in from of him (uh, um, uh, um, I um, think, um) but Sarah Palin is incredible. She is funny, articulate, engages the crowd, goes off script and then back again with no problem and she is natural. People love to hear her speak and they love her.

Second, many people connect with her because she is US! We are just Americans going through our day trying to do the best we can for our family. That's what Sarah does. She is just trying to do the best she can to make things better for her family and now here constituents. She doesn't have a "messiah complex" like Obama where it's all about her. She hasn't spent her entire adult life "inside the Beltway" like McCain and Biden. She is a regular American who loves her family her country and her life. I think the reason people who DO hate her, especially the MSM elite, is because they recognize that unlike most politicians on the national level she doesn't care what they think of her. She is her own person, not a media creation (see Obama). There is this sense about her that if she decides to do so she will be a major player in national politics but if she chooses to just live her life up there in Alaska and spend it with her family she will be fine with that too. She doesn't NEED the limelight like most politicians do.

Finally, the main reason that she enjoys support from the conservative base even after the MSM has assailed her as an idiot is because we know she is a TRUE conservative. John McCain tried to pass himself off as a conservative and he probably would have governed from the center but he would not have been a conservative on most things but mainly a moderate. Sarah Palin believes in and has put into practice true conservative principles that the base identifies and agrees with. She has been DOING this in Alaska for over a year and will now have much more time to get more done. The others have been talking about doing things but they have done nothing. Sarah is now and will always be a true conservative because she believes in the principles that make conservatives what they are: lower taxes, free trade, less government, etc. I predict that these attacks will begin to subside as many will see them for what they are; a thinly veiled attempt to discredit her for a run for the White House in 2012. if she decides to run myself and MANY others will gladly work for and support her in that quest. She would be a breath of fresh air in Washington and she would certainly shake things up. In the meantime she will go on being exactly who she is: Sarah. Palin 2012!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

STILL...a house divided.

Well now that the election is over the gloating has begun and the so-called bipartisan spirit has been thrown to the winds. In less than 48 hours the Dems have simultaneously preached that there will be a new 'spirit of bipartisanship" inside the Government and have taken action to punish one of their own for "crossing the line". Who is in the cross hairs this time? Senator Joe Lieberman of CT. Never mind the fact that he is an Independent because his "friends" in the Democratic Party tried to oust him the last election by supporting a nobody who ran against him. The PEOPLE of CT re-elected Lieberman but that doesn't mean anything to the Dems. He crossed the line and stepped on their toes. He also backed John McCain, his longtime friend, rather than join the other "sheep" who lined up to coronate "the One". The Senate Majority Leader (that is so hard to say) has started to apply pressure to Lieberman and will probably strip him of his Committee Chairmanship. It's payback time, Joey!

For his part, the One also has signaled that her plans to play hardball in the next 4 years as well. He chose for his Chief of Staff a former Clintonista Rahm Emanuel who is know as a political pit bull. This man will pull no punches and expect a very tightly run ship when it comes to White House Staff. We should also expect to hear numerous talking points and spin and the truth will be a hard thing to find in the new administration. Emanuel will see to it that the hard left is appeased and that they are paid back for getting the One in the White House. He will direct the media and they will take his direction. Astonishingly, some in the MSM have already signaled that they are on board with this plan even before it's been announced. Chris "I felt a thrill go up my leg" Matthews vowed last night to "do whatever i can to make this President successful". What? I thought he was a journalist. Well, OK, we all know that he stopped being a TRUE journalist years ago and is no nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Dems. What is amazing is that he feels that he can say this openly and there will be no repercussions. The sad fact is he's probably right. The American People have already told pollsters that they believe the MSM had a stake in helping to get the One elected. They know the truth now. I believe the MSM feels that since the people knew this and STILL voted for the One then they are off the hook and they can do whatever please at this point. If a country no longer has a free press, that country is no longer free. Welcome to ObamaNation.

Now comes the reckoning. The Dems, feeling empowered will move quickly to lurch the country to the left and will ramrod legislation through the Congress that at least HALF of America does not support. They will claim that they have received a mandate from the people and they will let loose the dogs. Look for investigations and possible impeachment hearings to start soon. This election was not about hope or change. It was about REVENGE. Revenge for Florida 2000, revenge for Gitmo, revenge for the Iraq War, revenge, revenge, revenge. There will be no bipartisanship until the punishment is over. Even then it will be a form of bipartisanship that will heavily favor the Dems. Lincoln said: "A nation divided cannot stand". Believe it.
(Thank you to for the electoral map).

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Day America Died

Well, it's official: Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States. I honestly thought that the American people were smarter than that but I was wrong. It obviously doesn't matter that he has misrepresented himself and his associations. So what if he pals around with terrorists. No big deal. So what if he wants to "spread your wealth" America, you don't need it do you? So what if he has been endorsed by every major dictator in the world; he'll keep us safe, right? So what if he has absolutely NO experience whatsoever, he has Joe Biden to lean on (insert joke here). The mistake I made was that I thought America was smart enough to see through the illusion that is Obama. You see, we don't really know Barack Obama yet, no one does. Or at least no one that is willing to come forward and vouch for him. Can you think of anyone besides his wife that has stood up for this man? No family members, no college buddies, no clients from the law firm, interesting. Well, America, now you WILL get to know him and all that he aspires to do with his new power. And the best part is in your infinite wisdom you just made the Congress with the worst approval rating in history more powerful as well. Brilliant! Now comes the reckoning.

In the shadows is a true American hero who was up against a powerful symbol and some very bad timing. The fact that Obama is the first African-American President became a story that after time started to write itself. McCain was not running against another man, he was running against an idea, a gesture, a paradigm shift in American politics. Add to that the timing of the financial crisis (which was orchestrated by the very Dems that were re-elected) and you have the making of a crushing defeat. John McCain, more than anyone in this race quite frankly deserved to be President. The fact that the American people decided to pass on a true hero and very experienced military man in the time of war speaks volumes about where we are in this country right now. I only hope the rest of the world gives Mr Obama the time he needs to learn his job as Commander in Chief before they test him. Somehow though I think that might be wishful thinking. Prepare yourselves America for the bloodshed, the fighting and the worry of terrorism here at home because they have only just begun. America, what hast thou wrought?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The wave is coming...

I am going to make a bold prediction: John McCain is going to win on Tuesday and he is going to win BIG! Are you delusional? No. This is based on facts and conditions that I have seen and experienced while working closely with the McCain Campaign in the last few weeks. I believe there is an impending wave of support from a silent majority out there that will soon have it's voice heard. Let me explain what I mean.

First: Oversampling and assumptions by the pollsters: More than any other campaign in history this election has been very challenging for the pollsters. The main reason for this is according to reports up to 80% of respondents are refusing to tell them who they are voting for! Pollsters are having a very tough time getting people to share with them. The reason is the whole "cult of personality" that has been created around Obama and also the "racist" tag that is being applied to anyone who is NOT voting for Obama. People don't want to be labeled a racist and they also don't want to be known as the people that didn't vote for "the Messiah". The fact that Obama would be the first black President is a major consideration with some voters.

Second: Don't underestimate the angry Democrat vote out there. I have met more Democrats in the last months that are extremely angry with what happened to Hillary Clinton and the way that the Obama Campaign treated her than I can recall in recent memory. They are in very heavy numbers planning to vote for McCain. They know that if McCain gets in Hillary can run in 2012. However, if Obama gets in she would need to wait until 2016 and she would be much older by then. I also believe that the Clinton Machine is working behind the scenes to ensure that Obama does not control the Democratic Party in the future which he would if he wins.

Third: Momentum. Simply put, Presidential Campaigns live and die on momentum; the Big MO'! In the past 2 weeks John McCain has surged more than 10 points or more in some of the key Battleground States and the Mo' continues to this day. In contrast, Obama has been hemorrhaging votes and is now fighting to hold onto territory that he thought he had won: Virginia, Missouri, Florida, Ohio. Couple this with the fact that historically Obama is not a great closer and you have the makings of an historical comeback by John McCain. And remember, the polls are skewed due to the 80% non-responsive voters. The lead in these polls could be bigger, much bigger than is being reported now.

Fourth: The nervous media. There has never been a Presidential Campaign that has seen an utter lack of objectivity from the Main Stream Media (MSM) than this one has. Even the latest research shows that the MSM has overwhelmingly gone out of it's way to ensure that Obama has the more positive coverage and that McCain has the more negative coverage. (See the following study: But the interesting thing that I have seen (that now has been documented) is that virtually ALL MSM media outlets have begun to call the election for Obama in the last few weeks even though people are engaging in early voting as we speak! The main reason behind this strategy is to suppress the vote and make Republican voters depressed and dispirited. They will think that Obama is going to win in a landslide anyway so there is really no reason for them to take the time to vote. In other words: it's a forgone conclusion that Obama is going to win. This is not the first time this strategy has been used however. In the 2000 Presidential Election the MSM called Florida for Al Gore BEFORE the people in the Florida Panhandle, historically Republican-leaning territory, had a chance to get to the polls. By some studies this caused some 50-80,000 voters to stay home and not go to the polls. Florida was won by just 367 votes! The media did their best to help Al Gore and they got caught. Thankfully, the state eventually went to Bush after the Supreme Court intervened. The MSM this time around however is "all in" to use a poker term and they have bet the house that they can pull this off. However, if you start to read between the lines, they are starting to doubt that they have done all they can do and as the research shows the American People have see right through their scheme.

Fifth: The Independent vote: Historically when things are bad people choose the "sure thing" rather than roll the dice on the unknown. With the uncertainty and volatility that exists in the world these days people are looking for their "baby blanket" to make them feel safe. John McCain is that blanket. (Now that's a visual) They KNOW McCain, they trust McCain, they have witnessed his record over decades and they know that he will not take us off a cliff while the world is searching for answers. He might not be an exciting candidate but he is the "sure thing" this time around. They know that out of the two he will do LESS damage if things go awry.

Finally: Obama has failed to close the deal. If the American People really thought that things were so bad that they needed to drastically change things then why hasn't Obama put this thing away? He should be 20 points of more ahead in the polls and yet he is more like 2 or 3 or 5 points ahead. That does not bode well for him as it suggests that there is a large segment of people out there that still don't trust him and are reluctant to swing in his direction. As I said before he is a bad closer and it shows. The truth is people have second thoughts about this guy and they don't think he is the best choice at a time of such uncertainty in the world. They understand that he will have many more chances to run again and this will give them time to get to know him a bit. For now he is an unknown commodity and it makes people nervous. This, I believe will show, come November 4th.