On the night of Sunday, 14 April 1912 the RMS Titanic was warned twice about the impending danger of the icebergs that lay ahead in it's path. Both the Amerika and the Mesaba relayed to the radiomen aboard the goliath vessel that there was danger ahead and they should tread lightly through the night. However, because of the fact that they were part of the crew of the largest ship that was ever created they decided that these messages were "non-essential" information that the Captain and the officers on the bridge need not be bothered with. We all know the outcome of these decisions and years later we look back in puzzlement and ask ourselves how they could be so stupid.
I wonder what people will say years from now when they think back to the night of 4 November 2008 and the election of the President of the United States of America. Will they say: "but they were warned over and over and over again"! Indeed, it's not like we have not been warned about the associations and agenda of Barack Hussein Obama. I have actually been amazed at the fact that he has been so forthright and honest with what he plans to do as President. That alone makes him different from most politicians. But the interesting thing is for some reason even though Obama is telling us what he will do, the American people are not getting it.
How many times will we need to hear about William Ayers, Rev Wright, Tony Rezko, ACORN, Rashid Khalidi, etc before we get the fact that this man has had some serious lapses when it comes to his judgement? How many times do we need to hear him say that he is going to "spread the wealth around" before we understand that he intends to pit one class against another in class warfare? How many foreign policy blunders does he have to make before we get the fact that he is dangerously unprepared for the role of Commander in Chief?
Folks, the alarm bells are going off and the way forward is very dangerous. We have been given numerous warnings that so far some of us have ignored. There is still time to right the ship and steer us away from the danger but that time is running out. I fear that if we do not heed these warnings America, like the RMS Titanic will be lost forever.
I wonder what people will say years from now when they think back to the night of 4 November 2008 and the election of the President of the United States of America. Will they say: "but they were warned over and over and over again"! Indeed, it's not like we have not been warned about the associations and agenda of Barack Hussein Obama. I have actually been amazed at the fact that he has been so forthright and honest with what he plans to do as President. That alone makes him different from most politicians. But the interesting thing is for some reason even though Obama is telling us what he will do, the American people are not getting it.
How many times will we need to hear about William Ayers, Rev Wright, Tony Rezko, ACORN, Rashid Khalidi, etc before we get the fact that this man has had some serious lapses when it comes to his judgement? How many times do we need to hear him say that he is going to "spread the wealth around" before we understand that he intends to pit one class against another in class warfare? How many foreign policy blunders does he have to make before we get the fact that he is dangerously unprepared for the role of Commander in Chief?
Folks, the alarm bells are going off and the way forward is very dangerous. We have been given numerous warnings that so far some of us have ignored. There is still time to right the ship and steer us away from the danger but that time is running out. I fear that if we do not heed these warnings America, like the RMS Titanic will be lost forever.