No, this is not the TV show but rather a look into the future as to what America would look like under a President Obama. I am only going to use his proposals as outlined to demonstrate how radical this man will be.
First, he will destroy the economy. By raising capital gains tax he'll cause people to move their investments out of the stock market. By raising the corporate tax he'll cause American businesses to go elsewhere as set up shop overseas. (China has offered American companies the ability to operate in their country tax free). By taxing the oil companies he will cause them to pass on the expenses of doing business to us and we will pay even MORE at the pump than we do now! We can all afford that right? Lastly, he will cause 1% of the people in America who DO pay taxes to pick up the tab for 80% of people who don't. Thereby stoking the fires of class envy and increasing the animosity between the haves and the have-nots. That should being us closer together huh?
Second, he will weaken us militarily. He has proposed to STOP all further research and development of our nuclear weapons program here in the US. At a time when you have Iran, Russia, Pakistan, N Korea and others starting to flex their nuclear muscles he would have us fold our hand and walk away from the table. He thinks this will being our enemies to see us as a more peaceful nation. The fact is they will see us as weaker and more vulnerable. Does anyone think for one minute that if the rest of the world could bankrupt and conquer the US they wouldn't? President Reagan had it correct: Peace through superior firepower! This is what bankrupted the Soviet Union and ultimately led to the demise of the Cold War. The world is far to dangerous a place to just start "trusting" these aggressive governments and "hope" they will just play nice. Once again, this shows Obama's naivety.
Thirdly, he will make us more vulnerable to another terrorist attack. Obama has stated that he plans to go on a worldwide "apology tour" and tell the world that we were wrong for going to Iraq and from now on we plan to talk more and fight less. Ahhhh, such a beautiful thought. However, this just goes to show his ignorance of the enemy we fight. Arabs see non-aggression as weakness. If you say your sorry once you've attacked them it emboldens them to hit you harder the next time. The only thing the jihadists understand is force. They KNOW that John McCain will not tolerate any attack on the US or it's interests and they will pay a heavy price if they choose to do so. They also perceive the Obama is weak on this issue and that is exactly why they have endorsed him for President. That alone speaks volumes!!
Fourthly, he will change this country and it's values in a way that will be hard to turn around in a generation. He will appoint liberal, activist judges that will wreak havoc throughout our entire legal system. If you are a person of faith you should be especially nervous as he will allow them to limit your religious rights and will in effect put a muzzle on pastors and priests who speak the truth of God's Word. If you speak out about homosexuality you will be fined or imprisoned. If you speak out about abortion the same will happen. The "progressive" values will take the place of the Judeo-Christian values that shaped this nation and we will become a godless society.
Fifth, he will turn this country into a socialist, European-like state. Is it any wonder that the Europeans love Obama? He is ONE of them! They have lived under socialism for so long they don't even know they don't have any freedom anymore. America is the last bastion of TRUE freedom that exists on the face of this planet and that is why so many people long to come here every year. Once Obama enacts his economic plan and the people have lived under it for a few years they will learn to accept it and we will have crossed the line. More and more people will depend on the government for all of their needs and they will slowly become dependent. Is this what we want for our country? To have to depend on our government for EVERYTHING from cradle to grave? What happens when the government decides that you no longer need something and decides to do away with it? How will you feel then?
There are many other proposals of Obama's that I could go into but quite frankly isn't this enough? We stand on the precipice of history and we have a decision to make. Do we turn back this radical agenda and save our country for future generations? Or do we take the step over the side and free-fall into the future? When we land it will hurt. If you haven't done anything to stop this wave of lunacy from taking place then you need to. If you have then I and an entire nation of God-fearing, patriotic, freedom-loving citizens owe you a debt of gratitude and thanks. Keep up the fight until the fight is won!!! THIS IS NOT OVER!!!
1 comment:
Hi DJohn,
I tell you what... The polls are ALWAYS wrong. One thing these idiots don't know is that the GOP base is fired up and furious. Anger is a very good motivator in an election. When people are angry, they look for someone to blame. Also, traditionally, when the GOP has a conservative on the ticket (like Reagan or Palin), they turn out in droves. So we have to keep up the fight and we will win.
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