The world lost a big one today: Charlton Heston. You know, Moses!! That iconic figure from the Old Testament that led God's people out of Egypt; the Great Exodus. He wasn't really Moses of course but when I think of Charlton Heston I think of that great epic movie: The Ten Commandments so to me he will always be Moses. At the age of 84 he passed from this world into the next. There aren't many like him around anymore. He was a man's man. I would put him the same category with other such great men as John Wayne, Ronald Reagan and William F. Buckley. Where are the new men that will take their places? These men lived and loved with a voracious appetite for life but they also did it with dignity. They were from another era though where honor, dignity and courage were everywhere. Sadly, as these giants disappear from our landscape so do their ideals. Charlton Heston was married for 64 years and he was one of the biggest celebrities of his day. Sean Connery has also been married to the same woman for decades as well. You would be hard pressed to find a marriage in Hollywood these days that will last more than a few years. These men understood that being an actor was a JOB, not your life. In modern day Hollywood actor's think of themselves as the privileged in society and expect us all to serve them. Both Heston and Reagan also gave more to the country than most while serving as head of the NRA or as President of the United States respectively. They felt a sense of duty to their country and they also felt blessed to be living in such a free and wonderful land. If you ask most in Hollywood today, with the exception of a handful of "outsiders", they will tell you everything that is wrong with the U.S. and how we are a terrible country. Oh but how times have changed. On this day though we should honor a great man for all of his many accomplishments but also for the way he blessed us with his talent for so many years. God keep you Mr Heston, you will be missed.
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