I know what some of you are thinking "Don't go there; not a good idea" right? Well the fact is I NEED to go there because I am tired of this subject and the absolute evil that has been done it it's name. As you know from my profile, I am a Christian. Because of this I happen to believe that The Bible is the inspired Word of God and because it is, it is infallible. Let me say that in simpler terms: I believe that EVERYTHING in The Bible is true and I believe it literally. Which means that if it says it happened a certain way then that's how it happened. Now you must understand that this is not a very popular belief, even among other Christians. Some believe some but not all believe all. Anyway, back to the subject of racism. You see because of the "world view" that I possess racism is not a problem for me....because it doesn't exist. WHOAAAA!!!! What did he say? That's right, racism DOES NOT exist. The reason is doesn't exist is because there is no such thing as races. If you believe The Bible, as I do, then you know that all of life exists because of the creation of Man: Adam and Eve. This is where it all started. As you read through the Book of Genesis you follow the chronology of man from Adam to Noah. Then the Flood takes place and all humanity is wiped out...except 8 people. Noah, his wife and their children. Still, all the same people. There is NO ONE left on Earth at this point except these 8 people. So humanity begins again to "fill the Earth" and over the centuries more and more people are added to this "family" until we get to where we are today. Still all the same people, right? Yes and no. Here is where the confusion starts. You've heard of the Tower of Babel correct? Did you know that that was a true accounting of history? Do you remember what happened at the Tower of Babel? According to The Bible God decided that man had become too smart for his own good and once again began to see no purpose for Him (just like in the days before the Flood). Instead they would worship themselves; they needed no God. Well, God thought otherwise and stepped in as only He can and instantly changed their languages. Suddenly you could no longer understand your neighbor of your friend. What would you do? Easy, find those like family, relatives, etc who could understand you and band together. That's what happened. These tribes or clans of people would move away and establish their own place where everyone there spoke the same language. Are you seeing where this is going? Because these people would reproduce with their own kind they would all eventually look like one another and THAT is why peoples from the same parts of the world look the same. Trace the DNA and you'll be amazed at what you find. They are all from the same common ancestors. Now fast forward to today. What happens when a person from Asia, say China, marries and reproduces children with another person from Asia? The children will look similar because they are still within the same genetic pool of peoples. But if someone who is from Africa marries and reproduces with someone from say Sweden you will get a very different result. Not the same genetic pool. The more this happens the more the appearance of these offspring will change. You see, with a Biblical world view I am related to ALL peoples. If is only when you start to think in terms of evolution that you begin to see "race". Do you know the true title of Darwin's "Origin of Species"? It actually started out as: "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life". Did you get that? Preservation of FAVORED Races. Well, who are the favored races? Who gets to make that judgement? MEN decided once again that they knew better than God and the evil began. Racism is a lie that is anti-Biblical that was created so that one group of people could control another group of people. If the peoples of the world could only understand the Biblical truth of the chronology of mankind they would see that we are ALL brothers and sisters. ALL related. ALL one people. Now if we could get a hold of that....it would change the world!!! THAT actually COULD save the planet. (For research purposes I would highly recommend reading "One Blood" by Ken Ham, Carl Wieland and Don Batten)
1 comment:
FINALLY! To understand that man created racism is to end it. Just like AA, admitting it is half the battle. Problem is, admitting and understanding is not something that liberals want you to do. If there was no racism, what they do. They literally base their existence on races and classes. Wow, what a thought, getting our heads wrapped around this concept could not only wipe out racism but it could possibly wipe out liberals...nah, that would take an act of God...Oh yea, if you believe the Bible, that is coming. Great blog!
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