You may have read about this story over the weekend but it really made me furious so I decided to write about it. A teenager in Texas was suspended for "violating the cell phone policy" of his school. Now let me just say that I am a big proponent of the no cell phones in class policy. Kids are there to learn not to talk with or text their friends. They can do that during lunch or after school. But here's the kicker with this story; the reason the kid answered his phone is because it was his dad calling...from Iraq! Now you would think that common sense would tell the teacher and the school that this was no ordinary phone call. I mean the father is in a war zone half way across the world. Apparently this boy was having some problems that he need to talk with his dad about. The teacher/school should applaud him for doing that NOT punish him. But see we live in a different time. The legacy of the 60's and the Vietnam War is still influencing academia even today. More so these days because the idiots who were out there protesting the war in the 60's are now teaching our kids!!! If this situation had happened at any other time in our history like WWI, WWII or Korea there would have been cause for celebration. But the actions of this teacher and the school in this case reveal the true nature of the agenda here and that is anti-military. Oh sure they claim to support the troops but do they really? In what way do they support them? Do they support the family while the service member is serving? No. Do they allow for celebrations and remembrances of those that have paid the ultimate price? In some cases yes but only so they can use the death of a service member to illustrate how terrible war really is and to push their agenda even further. I spent time in the military and I also recruited for the US Marines and I can tell you first hand the disdain that most teachers and schools have for the military. They look upon the military as a bunch of losers that couldn't make it anywhere else so they enlisted. Never mind that the large majority of service members is better educated than their civilian counterparts of the same age bracket. Or that the vast majority of some of the most successful companies in America were either founded by or run at the executive level by former military members. They still don't realize that our military is composed of volunteers!!! None of our service members is FORCED to join regardless of what some people think. Believe me, if it was that easy I would have enlisted a whole lot more than I did over a four year period. As a matter of fact most of the people that enlist do so out of LOVE FOR THEIR COUNTRY. Wow, what a concept. You mean people would actually risk their lives for their country? Yes, ever day and they love it. If you don't want to support the military then don't. Just don't lie to them and claim that you "support the troops" when your actions and your true feelings show otherwise. Quite frankly they could care less what you think. They will continue to do their jobs and protect OUR way of living regardless of how you feel about them. For those of you who do support our troops, thank you. And for those who do not that's your right as an American. Just don't forget the men and women who put their lives on the line every day so you can have that right. Ask yourself why you live such a carefree life in America. Because no one wants to incur the wrath of our military. As long as they are there doing their jobs we will live in the freedom of the greatest country on Earth. If you enjoy your freedom, as I know most of you do, then take time to thank a service member for their sacrifice. That, more than anything you could do will put a smile on their face and show them that America truly does support her troops.
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