Monday, July 13, 2009

The CIA Witch Hunt

Everyone has themselves in a tizzy over the secret CIA program that Cheney allegedly hid from Congress. This is much ado about nothing and is turning into a Democrat witchhunt.
First of all let's look at some important points:
Point 1: This program never went operational.
Point 2: The reason why VP Cheney decided to keep it from Congress was most likely to KEEP IT SECRET.
Point 3: This is nothing different than what the Obama Administration is doing RIGHT NOW!
Now let's look at them more carefully.
Point 1: As reported today in the WSJ:
One former senior intelligence official said the program was an attempt "to achieve a capacity to carry out something that was directed in the finding," meaning it was looking for ways to capture or kill al Qaeda chieftains.The official noted that Congress had long been briefed on the finding, and that the CIA effort wasn't so much a program as "many ideas suggested over the course of years." It hadn't come close to fruition, he added.
Senior CIA leaders were briefed two or three times on the most recent iteration of the initiative, the last time in the spring of 2008. At that time, CIA brass said that the effort should be narrowed and that Congress should be briefed if the preparations reached a critical stage, a former senior intelligence official said.
It never did, no need to brief Congress. If the intelligence agencies of the government were required to brief Congress every time they got an idea they would NEVER get anything accomplished.
Point 2: Less than TWO WEEKS after this program was "discovered" and briefed to Congress it hits the FRONT PAGES. Is there any wonder Cheney thought it best to keep it quiet until it became operational?
Obviously Congress is full of leaks and cannot be trusted and certainly NOT the hostile congressional environment that existed in Bush's second term. Cheney most likely believed, as I do now, that the Dems so hated Bush that they would have "outed" this program just to spite him. Nevermind the fact that he only had our safety in mind, that means little when power is at stake.
Point 3: This is the most ridiculous part of all of this. The righteous indignation that some in Congress are trying to portray when it comes to the mission of this program: assassinations of top Al Qaeda leaders. Not the "A" word!
Nevermind the fact that the world would be much better served if a few less bin Laden's were walking around but there is no difference between what the Bush Administration wanted to do with this program and what the Obama Administration is doing now in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
In Newsweek 7/8/09:
The Obama administration's much-heralded new strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan (AfPak, as the portfolio has been called) is to pour in piles of cash to develop the countries being rent by militias like the Taliban. But the plan is much more equivocal about the tactics for combating those groups. Under Gen. David McKiernan, the previous U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Predator drones were a primary tool for engagment, but since the man who replaced him, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, has announced a mandate to limit civilian deaths, experts thought drone attacks would abate. Not so far, according to this week's news.
So as you can see, nothing's changed. Instead of CIA agents on the ground taking out high-value terrorist operatives, we are now doing it from the sky with predator drones. It's still assassination no?
So what is this REALLY about? Cover. Political cover to be exact.
What you are witnessing is the Dems rallying around the flag. They are closing ranks to protect thier leader, Speaker Pelosi.
She got caught. She knows she got caught. WE know she got caught. And yet, she persists. The Dems can't allow her to fall. No matter what, they must keep her there.
If she falls they will be crushed. The political ramifications of something that big would send shockwaves through Washington and beyond. This would turn the American People against them and quickly. The just got their power back and they by no means intend to give it away.
So they have decided they are going to dig in and fight. They are going to fight the most powerful, secretive and skilled intelligence agency in the world. (The Israeli Mossad is a very close second)
The people WE call on to bring down countries from within. The ones we call on to know everything about everything BEFORE anybody else knows it.
Well all I can say is good luck. Your going to need it. This is going to get ugly...soon.
Oh and for those of you with wet dreams about Cheney doing the "perp walk" for this, think again. You don't serve in the government for as long as Cheney has without knowing how to protect yourself.
Remember in Washington it's not WHO or WHAT you know that keeps you out of trouble. It's WHAT you know about where the "bodies" are buried. Cheney knows not only that but he also knows who put them there and they know it.
This is nothing more than politics, pure and simple. As usual, when it comes to choosing between thier power and the good of the People, The Dems choose their power. Typical.

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