Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Amazing Race

It happened so suddenly that most of you probably didn't see it. I noticed it immediately because I have been watching so closely.
It's what's known in politics as a momentum shift and a big one is taking place now. Until a few weeks ago Obama was gliding along at a steady pace. He was keeping to his plan and was still acting like "Mr Cool".
However, in the last 2-3 weeks he has picked up speed considerably. The question is why?
Easy. His policies are starting to take hold and the results of those policies are starting to become apparent.
I've said all along that Obama had a "window" of opportunity that he would need to exploit but that it would not last long. I have to admit that the "window" deteriorated much quicker than I thought it would.
I had originally given him about 18 months before we would start feeling the effects of his policies and people would begin to turn on him. It took less than 6 months.
Now, he is in danger and he knows it. In fact, he is so aware of his declining support that he is now starting to get stupid and he is starting to get sloppy.
He is acting like a cornered dog who is ready to bite. His biggest test will come very soon with the Healthcare Bill now being debated in Congress.
Apparently, this plan is SO radical that even the Democrats are starting to back away from it.
Obama is so afraid that he won't get this thing passed that he is trying to ramrod it through Congress without debate. It was introduced on Tuesday and he wanted it to be voted on by Thursday. So much for his promise of 72 hours to let the American People review the plan.
Some reports are now claiming that he is concerned that this will be a referendum on the rest of his policies. If he loses this, it's over.
For those who have actually READ the bill, the startling truth of what this will do to Americans is causing quite a few to give pause.
The fact is American's WANT healthcare to be cheaper and they want it to be fixed. However they do NOT want it to be socialized and run by the government.
This is a pivotal time in Obama's Presidency. He could very well be setting himself up for another Republican Revolution in Congress.
While the American People are still trusting of Mr Obama, as indicated by his high personal approval ratings, they are NOT however, so enamored of his policies as the most recent polls now show.
So the race is on. Obama's "window" is quickly closing and the momentum is shifting. It may not be towards the GOP at this point but one thing is very clear: it's away from the Democrats.
Next year is a Congressional Election year and don't think Congress doesn't know that. They have much at stake. The GOP has nothing to lose, it HAS nothing now. However, the Democrats CRAVE power and do not want to lose it.
My prediction is that this Healthcare Bill will either stall and go nowhere or it will indeed be passed after it's been so watered-down that it won't matter anyway.
Obama can almost see the Finish Line up ahead but the "pack" is quickly catching him and he is running out of steam.
Who will ultimately win this race? Hard to tell at this point but it just might come down to a photo finish. Stay tuned.

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