It didn't take long for the media and just about everyone under the sun to start criticizing Sarah Palin's decision to resign as Alaska Governor.
She's a quitter, a coward, a self-serving politician, a screwed up right wing fanatic, etc. Depending on who you listen to she's either "the world's worst person" or she is "a saint".
Maybe, she's neither. Maybe she is just an America woman who is sick and tired of people attacking her family. Maybe she is tired of not being able to get anything done because of all the phony ethics investigations she has to deal with. I don't blame her for leaving.
I have no idea what Sarah Palin is planning to do with her future and quite frankly I don't care. If she runs for President, great! If she disappears behind the scenes and just continues to do her thing then I'm ok with that too.
Sure, I would love to see her emerge as a leader in the GOP so that maybe the house can be united again. But if she decides to just ride off into the sunset then that's great also.
You see, what people can't stand about her is that she doesn't play by the rules of the game. And that pisses people off.
She doesn't bow to the media elite and they hate her for that. She doesn't have an Ivy League education and they hate her for that. She doesn't NEED to be in the spotlight and they REALLY hate her for that.
Obama was never asked ANY of the questions that were asked of Sarah Palin during the campaign. And that Bush Doctrine qustion that she supposedly got wrong? Well, nobody will admit it but old Charlie Gibson got it wrong too. Sorry, Charlie.
The media doesn't understand how someone could be given all of this attention only to resist it all and walk out of the spotlight.
The media is complicit in the attacks that she and her family have had to endure and they know it. However, Sarah can walk away from all of it and she will be completely satisfied with her life.
That's what they don't understand. Down here in the "lower 48" we CRAVE media attention and we suckle at the breast of celebrity. Not so much up there in God's Country.
Sarah summed it up well when she made the following statement: "I said before...'You know, politically speaking, if I die, I die. So be it,'" she said.
It will take a hundred years before the media can figure that one out. They just don't get it...still.
I'll just say this. I was planning to vote for John McCain BEFORE he picked Sarah Palin as his running mate. However, afterward, I started WORKING for the campaign until the end as did many others.
The energy that she brought to the ticket was amazing and I knew early on that McCain was doomed when she pulled TWICE the crowd he did at their rallies.
Sarah Palin is a great American woman who loves her family, her country and Alaska and she always will. I've seen first hand the energy she brings to a campaign and she speaks for many of us out here.
She's learned what a Presidential Campaign entails and she will be ready if she throws her hat in the ring.
Will America be ready to elect the first woman President or will they pass this by simply because she is a conservative?
If Sarah DOES run for President then Obama will face the same thing McCain faced when he ran against him...history in the making.
That is why you shouldn't count her out.
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6 years ago
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