Is that a harsh thing to say? Yes, it is. But guess what folks? It's looking more and more like it might be true. This however, was a bloodless coup. Or at least it is so far. This was also a coup that involved the participation of millions of voters who were duped. What is this coup that I refer to? I am speaking of the election of Barack Hussein Obama who quite possibly is not even eligible to run for the office of The President of the United States. Let's examine the facts.
First and most important on this list is the fact that Obama has yet to actually prove that he is a natural born citizen of the United States; a prerequisite for anyone seeking the highest office in the land. Sure this was brought up during the waning days of the election but it has never been resolved. Attorney Philip Berg, a lifelong Democrat from Pennsylvania, is still fighting this in court and is currently awaiting the Obama camp to produce documents to the Supreme Court. Mr Berg tried to get an injunction to stop the election but it was denied by Justice Souter. However, Justice Souter's Clerk also required the defendants to respond to the Writ of Certiorari (which requires the concurrence of four Justices) by December 1. At that time, Mr. Obama must present to the Court an authentic birth certificate, after which Mr. Berg will respond. (Philip Berg News Release). So basically, the Obama camp can make this whole thing go away by just presenting his Certified Birth Certificate, which they have not done to date. If he fails to do so by the December 1 deadline then we might have a situation on our hands where the Supreme Court will have to either intervene or just let it go. We could be talking about the possibility of nullification of the election results which could be catastrophic for this country.
Second-The conflicting testimony of his relatives. His grandmother said that she remembers watching him being born in a hospital in Mombasa, Kenya in 1961. His sister says that he was born in a hospital in Hawaii but names the wrong hospital according to the records the Obama camp has released. You also have the Governor of Hawaii who has ordered the birth records sealed unless Mr Obama decided to release it to the public. Folks, this little comedy of errors would be hilarious if this situation wasn't so serious. Why won't Obama just release his records rather than stonewall everyone and fight it in court? The only reason that I can come up with is he has something to hide.
Third-The treatment of those reporters/journalists who have gone to Kenya to investigate further the Kenyan connection to Obama. Jerome Corsi, famous for his book "Unfit For Command" which is credited with rallying the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth who eventually helped to defeat John Kerry's Presidential bid, visited Kenya to dig deeper into the mystery behind this Kenyan connection. By his own account he was "detained inside the country and held incommunicado for 72 hours". He was literally detained by a heavily armed security force, put into a holding cell and then brought to an airport 72 hours later and told "Go to Hell, don't come back"! This would seem somewhat suspicious since he had not gone anywhere or done anything that would have warranted that type of treament but you must remember who runs Kenya:Raila Odinga. A brutal dictator who just happens to be Barack Obama's cousin. Get the picture?
Finally, I am not accusing anyone of anything by saying this but i find it awfully interesting that Barack Obama basically stopped his campaign and dropped everything to go to Hawaii to see his ailing grandmother and then suddenly his birth records are sealed days later. Again, I am only pointing out the strange occurrences that surround Mr Obama's lack of evidence and his insistence to fight this at every turn. This may turn out to be much ado about nothing or it might be the biggest crisis we have ever faced in this country hands down. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking and December 1st quickly approaches.
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