Well now that the election is over the gloating has begun and the so-called bipartisan spirit has been thrown to the winds. In less than 48 hours the Dems have simultaneously preached that there will be a new 'spirit of bipartisanship" inside the Government and have taken action to punish one of their own for "crossing the line". Who is in the cross hairs this time? Senator Joe Lieberman of CT. Never mind the fact that he is an Independent because his "friends" in the Democratic Party tried to oust him the last election by supporting a nobody who ran against him. The PEOPLE of CT re-elected Lieberman but that doesn't mean anything to the Dems. He crossed the line and stepped on their toes. He also backed John McCain, his longtime friend, rather than join the other "sheep" who lined up to coronate "the One". The Senate Majority Leader (that is so hard to say) has started to apply pressure to Lieberman and will probably strip him of his Committee Chairmanship. It's payback time, Joey!
For his part, the One also has signaled that her plans to play hardball in the next 4 years as well. He chose for his Chief of Staff a former Clintonista Rahm Emanuel who is know as a political pit bull. This man will pull no punches and expect a very tightly run ship when it comes to White House Staff. We should also expect to hear numerous talking points and spin and the truth will be a hard thing to find in the new administration. Emanuel will see to it that the hard left is appeased and that they are paid back for getting the One in the White House. He will direct the media and they will take his direction. Astonishingly, some in the MSM have already signaled that they are on board with this plan even before it's been announced. Chris "I felt a thrill go up my leg" Matthews vowed last night to "do whatever i can to make this President successful". What? I thought he was a journalist. Well, OK, we all know that he stopped being a TRUE journalist years ago and is no nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Dems. What is amazing is that he feels that he can say this openly and there will be no repercussions. The sad fact is he's probably right. The American People have already told pollsters that they believe the MSM had a stake in helping to get the One elected. They know the truth now. I believe the MSM feels that since the people knew this and STILL voted for the One then they are off the hook and they can do whatever please at this point. If a country no longer has a free press, that country is no longer free. Welcome to ObamaNation.
Now comes the reckoning. The Dems, feeling empowered will move quickly to lurch the country to the left and will ramrod legislation through the Congress that at least HALF of America does not support. They will claim that they have received a mandate from the people and they will let loose the dogs. Look for investigations and possible impeachment hearings to start soon. This election was not about hope or change. It was about REVENGE. Revenge for Florida 2000, revenge for Gitmo, revenge for the Iraq War, revenge, revenge, revenge. There will be no bipartisanship until the punishment is over. Even then it will be a form of bipartisanship that will heavily favor the Dems. Lincoln said: "A nation divided cannot stand". Believe it.
(Thank you to http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/ for the electoral map).
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