Well, it's official: Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States. I honestly thought that the American people were smarter than that but I was wrong. It obviously doesn't matter that he has misrepresented himself and his associations. So what if he pals around with terrorists. No big deal. So what if he wants to "spread your wealth" America, you don't need it do you? So what if he has been endorsed by every major dictator in the world; he'll keep us safe, right? So what if he has absolutely NO experience whatsoever, he has Joe Biden to lean on (insert joke here). The mistake I made was that I thought America was smart enough to see through the illusion that is Obama. You see, we don't really know Barack Obama yet, no one does. Or at least no one that is willing to come forward and vouch for him. Can you think of anyone besides his wife that has stood up for this man? No family members, no college buddies, no clients from the law firm, interesting. Well, America, now you WILL get to know him and all that he aspires to do with his new power. And the best part is in your infinite wisdom you just made the Congress with the worst approval rating in history more powerful as well. Brilliant! Now comes the reckoning.
In the shadows is a true American hero who was up against a powerful symbol and some very bad timing. The fact that Obama is the first African-American President became a story that after time started to write itself. McCain was not running against another man, he was running against an idea, a gesture, a paradigm shift in American politics. Add to that the timing of the financial crisis (which was orchestrated by the very Dems that were re-elected) and you have the making of a crushing defeat. John McCain, more than anyone in this race quite frankly deserved to be President. The fact that the American people decided to pass on a true hero and very experienced military man in the time of war speaks volumes about where we are in this country right now. I only hope the rest of the world gives Mr Obama the time he needs to learn his job as Commander in Chief before they test him. Somehow though I think that might be wishful thinking. Prepare yourselves America for the bloodshed, the fighting and the worry of terrorism here at home because they have only just begun. America, what hast thou wrought?
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