Well, I had a feeling this would happen but I must admit I didn't think it would happen so quickly. The "insiders" from the McCain Campaign have begun to join their counter-parts in the MSM to destroy Sarah Palin. Not even 24 hours had elapsed after the defeat of the McCain/Palin ticket that the vicious attacks began to emerge. "She didn't even know that Africa was a continent", "She spent more money on her family than she should have and she is quite the diva when it comes to clothes", "She treated the staff very badly and she threw temper tantrums when she saw the bad news coverage". These are just a few of the allegations that have been leveled at Governor Palin but there are many more. The elite, liberal media has gladly accepted this "red meat" offered up to it by the "insiders" and have run with it. There is now a full blown campaign to destroy Sarah Palin and make sure that she will have no chance to run again as a national figure. Interestingly enough, this has only shown to increase her support amongst the conservative base that STILL loves her. The more they attempt to smear her the stronger her support gets. So why is that? Let's look at a few reasons.
First, many of those who supported McCain did so because of her. The simple fact of the matter is the McCain Campaign was in deep trouble before she joined the ticket and the election would have been more of a massacre (it's already kind of ugly) had she not been there to energize the conservative base. I went to 3 political rallies here in Florida: 2 for Palin and 1 for McCain. She outdrew him 2 to 1 every time! She is the reason why so many, like myself, decided that we needed to do more than just vote to help the McCain Campaign. Because of her the volunteer ranks swelled overnight. Another thing that I can tell you since I have seen her up close and personal is she is a better public speaker than ANY of the other candidates, period. Joe Biden, well we already know how well he does in public, is no match for her. John McCain is not inspiring even though he attempts to be and he does NOT connect with the audience. Obama is HORRIBLE when he doesn't have a teleprompter in from of him (uh, um, uh, um, I um, think, um) but Sarah Palin is incredible. She is funny, articulate, engages the crowd, goes off script and then back again with no problem and she is natural. People love to hear her speak and they love her.
Second, many people connect with her because she is US! We are just Americans going through our day trying to do the best we can for our family. That's what Sarah does. She is just trying to do the best she can to make things better for her family and now here constituents. She doesn't have a "messiah complex" like Obama where it's all about her. She hasn't spent her entire adult life "inside the Beltway" like McCain and Biden. She is a regular American who loves her family her country and her life. I think the reason people who DO hate her, especially the MSM elite, is because they recognize that unlike most politicians on the national level she doesn't care what they think of her. She is her own person, not a media creation (see Obama). There is this sense about her that if she decides to do so she will be a major player in national politics but if she chooses to just live her life up there in Alaska and spend it with her family she will be fine with that too. She doesn't NEED the limelight like most politicians do.
Finally, the main reason that she enjoys support from the conservative base even after the MSM has assailed her as an idiot is because we know she is a TRUE conservative. John McCain tried to pass himself off as a conservative and he probably would have governed from the center but he would not have been a conservative on most things but mainly a moderate. Sarah Palin believes in and has put into practice true conservative principles that the base identifies and agrees with. She has been DOING this in Alaska for over a year and will now have much more time to get more done. The others have been talking about doing things but they have done nothing. Sarah is now and will always be a true conservative because she believes in the principles that make conservatives what they are: lower taxes, free trade, less government, etc. I predict that these attacks will begin to subside as many will see them for what they are; a thinly veiled attempt to discredit her for a run for the White House in 2012. if she decides to run myself and MANY others will gladly work for and support her in that quest. She would be a breath of fresh air in Washington and she would certainly shake things up. In the meantime she will go on being exactly who she is: Sarah. Palin 2012!!
1 comment:
I must say I agree wholeheartedly. If you look back in history since at least the 1964 presidential campaign. Every Republican presidential candidate that ran as a conservative won the presidency.
The Republican candidates that ran middle of the road or left leaning have never won a presidency. McCain was too liberal and all of us true conservatives knew this. Palin maybe the new poster for American conservatism heading into the 21st century.
Enjoyed your blog, check mine out when you have a chance, and let me know what you think.
Lets keep up the good fight!
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