I interrupt this End Days series for a breaking news flash of global impotence on a grand scale! I apologize for breaking in here but I just HAD to blog on this. I'm talking about the ridiculous international stand-off with the so-called Somali Pirates. First of all I can't even believe that there are world leaders who are actually considering paying the ransom to these idiots. In case you have NOT heard the news, a band of Somali pirates have hijacked and are holding for ransom a large (very large) oil tanker. The cargo of crude oil on board has an estimated value of $1oo million and the pirates have asked for a ransom of $10 million. According to reports, there is enough oil on board to supply the whole country of France for one day. (Well if it's only France?) Just kidding, we like them now. But seriously, Somali pirates? Have we lost our minds talking with these fools?
So far this year they have captured some 90 vessels and taken in quite a bit of money. This obviously cannot be allowed to continue. If the world allows this to happen then the price of oil will go up dramatically again and the pirates will be emboldened. There is also some evidence that they are very well organized and coordinated in their attacks. This leads the US Navy to believe that they may be part of a larger organization and quite possibly affiliated with our buddies al Queda.
I have given this much thought and here is what I propose. From now on the ships passing by this area should be given security escorts of small attack boats that can intercept their attack boats and do battle head to head. We can't put our bug ships in there because this could be an attempt by Osama and the boys to lure us into a trap and attack us like they did the USS Cole. Next, we should get an aircraft carrier close enough to provide air cover with our fighters around the clock. They won't need to be there for more than a month or two to do what needs to be done. In addition to the fighter jet air cover we should also launch Predator Drones and begin to target these pirate vessels at sea. These pirates have shown that they are willing to engage in combat to attain their booty so let's meet them where they are! Lastly, a massive bombing campaign for 2 weeks on the Port of Eyl which is the are they tend to use as a base of operations. I mean let's be frank, what are they going to do in retaliation? Nothing. As far as I'm concerned, they still owe us for the 2 Blackhawk Helicopters that were lost in action there. Does anyone remember when they dragged the bodies of the dead soldiers through the streets on live TV and CNN broadcast it all over the world? If not then you need to rent the movie Blackhawk Down. Frankly, I'm still angry about that and it's payback time!!!
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