Well that didn't take long. I have been waiting for Obama to do this and he finally did. All throughout the campaign as people would shower him with accolades about being the "chosen one" he would tend to brush them off. After all, he is smart enough to know that eventually that would turn many people against him if he displayed an air of entitlement. However, now that he is in the Oval Office he appears to be ready to assert himself and cash in on that moniker.
At a recent White House meeting with Republican "leaders" ( and I use that term lightly) Obama made the comment "I won" when told that they had some concerns about the new stimulus package he is trying to get the Congress to pass. This comment tells me that he has no intentions of playing fair with the other side and with the Dems in control he plans to ramrod whatever he can through both Houses of Congress while he has the opportunity.
That comment also tells me that he plans to assert his new found "messiahness" to his advantage and belittle the GOP whenever given a chance. Make no mistake, there will be NO bipartisan cooperation with this White House that isn't coerced. Obama plans to bully the GOP into submission and he off to a great start.
My feeling is that at some point Obama will over-reach and will over-play his hand. His recent comments about Rush Limbaugh confirm this. According to the New York Post (and the headline on the DrudgeReport) Obama also said "You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done." Obama feels that he has so much political capital that he is untouchable and that he can do almost anything and get the approval of his "Obamacons". He's right too! These zombies will believe anything he says and they will give him a pass on just about anything he does. For now. Going after Rush Limbaugh is a big mistake and it's been tried before. Be careful Mr Obama, many have tried....and failed.
Even the media is starting to see that Mr Obama is signaling that when it comes to THIS White House things will NOT be business as usual. Obama used the media to disseminate his propaganda during the campaign to persuade the ignorant that he was NOT a liberal, socialist and that he was a new kind of politician. The media obeyed and did it's job (thank you Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, MSNBC and the list goes on) and they expected that there would be some kind of payback for their loyalty. Sorry, not in this administration. Just like everyone else the Mr Obama used to get to where he is he has left them behind.
I think we are going to see a very different President than we have see in a very long time in Mr Obama. He will aggressively, but cautiously, put forward HIS agenda and he will not compromise on anything. He will run roughshod over his enemies and he will have no mercy. After all, he is accountable to no one. His minions think he is a god and his critics are afraid of him. This is going to be interesting to watch and very dangerous for America!
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