I hate to say this folks but if you aren't already, you need to prepare yourselves for a fantastic spectacle that will soon be unveiled. I'm talking about the Washington, D.C. Circus (aka the Government of the United States) because it's soon coming to a city/town near you. The way this is shaping up is magnificent!!! We will soon be under the governance of this circus and all its sordid cast of characters. Let's take a look at the performers, shall we?
Ladies and Gentleman and children of all ages....Your Master of Ceremonies...
Barack Obama-Soon, he will no longer be the President-Elect. In fact he will actually have to MAKE a decision and maybe, just maybe the MSM will hold him responsible for the outcome. The "messiah" will soon no longer be able to say "We only have one President in this country at a time" while shirking responsibility for the many difficult decisions that THIS President has had to make. Sure "W" didn't get it all right but no one has. He kept us safe for 7 years. For that alone he would get my vote again. How long will it be before we are attacked again..we shall see. The main reason Obama scares me is his record...or, um lack thereof. I STILL can't find a single Obama supporter that can tell me what this man has done. NOT ONE. The only thing they say, while their eyes are glazed over like some kind of zombie, is that "he inspires hope". WHAT? Are you kidding me? THAT'S a reason to vote for someone at one of the most critical times in this nation's history? So let me ask this question of you Obama supporter's: What if he ISN'T up to the task? What if he CAN'T do it? What then? Will Joe Biden burst onto the scene and rescue us all? This a very dangerous world and we don't have time for someone to get "OJT" or On the Job Training. And one more thing that you need to consider. Have you EVER know anyone that has come out of the Chicago Political Machine and NOT been dirty? Anyone?
If you will direct your attention now to the center ring....I give you the Lion Tamer...
Hillary Clinton-Just when we thought we were getting rid of the Clinton's, Obama did what I knew he would..he named Hillary Secretary of State. Payback? Appeasement? Who knows? I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for those conversations though!! Obama has no idea what he has done. But, just as all of those that serve the Clinton's eventually discover, he will have a rude awakening at SOME point down the road. For her part Hillary will be magnificent in this role. She'll try to be Golda Meir, Madeleine Albright and Margaret Thatcher all rolled up into one. She will be feared, she will be respected, she will be majestic! and she will be a disaster!!! If there is one thing that I have learned from watching the Clinton's in the last almost two decades is this: Hillary does what Hillary wants....period. She will test Obama also to see where her boundaries are. Will he have the courage to put her in her place? Doubtful. He has a problem standing up to strong women...look at his wife. Michelle Obama might be more of an adversary for Hillary and I would pay to see that. Just when we got the White House sterilized and back in order...the Clinton's are going back. Unbelievable.
Ladies and Gentleman, children of all ages...what would a circus be without the clowns?
Congress (both houses), is going to be a real joy to behold and quite frankly C-SPAN might soon become the "must watch T.V" network. When you combine Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank and now Al Franken together in one place your bound to have some fun. I still can't believe that the American People were stupid enough to allow the very same people who were MOST responsible for the "so called financial crisis" to get re-elected so that they could continue to destroy the very foundations of this country. Sure there is enough blame to go around on the GOP side as well but when you examine the main perpetrators there is NO doubt that the Liberal, Leftists in Congress PLANNED for this to happen or at the very least stood by and did nothing while they knew what was coming. The End Game? Socialism. Pure and simple. They knew that the People would never vote for it but if they knew that if they could enact it incrementally we would wake up one day and no longer recognize this country as a Capitalist country. That day is now. Sadly, due to the leftist influence in our education systems in the public sector, many Americans could not tell you what Capitalism is if you asked them. How then could they be counted on to protest against it's decline? The answer is: they can't. Welcome to the present day in America. Capitalism is slowly dying while Socialism and soon Marxism/Communism will take it's place. America the Free? For how long?
As you can see, this is truly a sight to behold and I for one am bristling with anticipation to see the absolute freak show that our government will turn into. You see folks, your vote DOES count and elections DO have consequences. Get comfortable, get your popcorn and get ready to enjoy the show. After all, it's the GREATEST show on Earth! Right?
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