There is still time to stop it but since the House already passed the huge "Obama Bailout Bill" along party lines, I have no doubt that the Senate will do the same. It was inevitable really. I knew that once Obama got in he would make sure that the Dems were able to exact revenge upon the GOP for all of their past frustrations and he is off to a good start. This $800 billion mess is nothing more than payback to the special interests that helped to put Obama in The White House.
He made sure that the "Mexico City Policy" which authorizes the government to use tax payer dollars to provide "birth control" services on a global basis was the VERY FIRST thing he signed. This was payback to the Pro-Choice, NARAL and Pro-Abortion crowd that helped him to get elected.
Among the funds within this bill is millions that is going to be given to the NEA for "arts and cultural" education and events. Thank you NEA, Hollywood, Broadway, etc for helping me to get elected as President. Here is your payback.
The list goes on and on and on. This thing is nothing but a big, fat, porky, pig that Obama is using to payback his supporters so that he can ensure they will continue to support him. The really disturbing fact is that MOST, 80% of the funds allocated will not be available for use until after 2010!! So how exactly is this going to be a "stimulus" plan if we are in a recession now? It's NOT! That's the dirty little secret. What is does do though is allow the Dems and Obama to position themselves well for re-election in the future. About the time that the funds start to really have any effect, which I doubt they will do regardless, Obama and his buddies will be getting ready to run for another term.
See, the real secret is this: all of this is being done for one reason and one reason only: power! The Dems and Obama want to make sure they have it and can keep it long enough to enact some of their largest social programs. Once they can get the people to start depending on the government for say FREE healthcare and college tuition, the people will grow comfortable, complacent and DEPENDENT which will allow them to do anything.
This "stimulus" bill is a huge mistake that our children will be paying for for generations to come. After all, we are about to "give away" $800 billion that WE DON'T HAVE! But hey, they say, just print some more money! Who cares if the inflation rate is in the double digits for years to come? Just keep giving the people what they want and they will learn to depend on us!!! That way they will never want to be without our assistance again...ever.
Slavery comes in many forms. Some by force and some without. We The People are allowing Obama and the Dems to willing enslave us and most people don't recognize it. Once the shackles are tightened around our wrists and ankles those who hold the keys will have complete control.
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