So you would think that as much as the Dem's and their allies in the Eco-activist world shout about global warming and saving the planet, when given the chance to demonstrate how serious they are about this cause they would go out of their way to really impress people. Right? Wrong! Instead they showed their true colors as most of us who don't believe in the "global warming" or "climate change" hoax knew they would eventually.
The Inauguration the other day was no doubt filled with Obama supporters who for the most part are also the very same people who shout the loudest about "global warming". So you would think that with the whole WORLD watching they would set a good example for their cause. have you seen the pictures of the aftermath of the gathering that took place? According to some reports the D.C Street workers who were assigned to clean up the mess have so far removed over 130 TONS of TRASH. Nothing says "save the planet" like trashing The Mall!! Everything from sleeping bags, socks, soda cups, coffee cups, Obama mementos (which they had to buy) and other assorted garbage was just left there for someone else to pick up. Now THAT is what I call caring for the planet.
On top of this there was also a record set the other day that no one wants to talk much about; especially Al Gore. The Inauguration of BHO will go down in history for many things. The most glaring fact being that it set the all-time record for the most PRIVATE JETS ever used for such an event. There was an estimated 600 small private jets (the kind that get really bad MPG and supposedly destroy the atmosphere) that inundated the DC Metro and have probably single-handedly made the "carbon footprint" in DC the worst it's ever been. You didn't think the Hollywood Elite would fly coach did you? After all this is THE party of the century!!
As with most things that Liberals and Democrats protest about this is just another example of their overall attitude when it comes to social, economic and "climate" issues. They don't necessarily plan to heed their own advice but they darn sure want to make sure you do!! This whole fiasco is a very good example of what you can expect for the next four years and from the Obama Administration and it's minions. The rallying cry shall go forth to all the people from this day forward: Do as I say, not as I do!!!
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