For the past week, the story that has dominated the worldwide news coverage has been the re-newed fighting in the Gaza Strip between Hamas and the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces). Israel apparently has had enough of Hamas reigning down rockets and mortars on it's people and has decided that they are going to wipe out Hamas's ability to do so. This however may prove to be a more daunting task than anyone thinks. After all, Hamas will always be able to get more rockets from Iran even if Israel destroys the ones they have now. The only way to solve this issue is to cut out the "cancer" that lives in Gaza and destroy Hamas completely. Whether or not Israel has the courage to do this remains to be seen.
What I find interesting though is how this conflict is perceived by the rest of the world and how it is portrayed by the MSM. The coverage that I have seen has been decidedly anti-Israeli and completely lays the blame for this conflict at their doorstep. Incredible as that may seem, if you are an observer of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict you know that Israel ALWAYS gets the blame. It matters not that Israel has shown GREAT restraint over the past year by NOT attacking Hamas despite the fact that nearly 4,000 rockets have been launched into Israel and the cities that border the Gaza strip. I wonder how many other countries of the world would tolerate that kind of daily bombardment as well as Israel has. My guess is none. And yet the world continues to blame Israel. Why? Because there is a double standard that exists within this conflict that will never be resolved.
You see, the world, the media specifically, still thinks Israel should not be there. They side with the Palestinians every time. The poor, poor Palestinians. Did you know that there has NEVER been a country in the history of the planet called Palestine? Did you know that before Israel claimed back her land and started to develop it the so-called region of Palestine was nothing but a desert region where nothing grew and no one lived. The Palestinians aren't even a people per se, they are just misplaced Arabs that no other Arab country in the region has claimed so that they can be used for political purposes. (For more on this do some research of the Ottoman Empire and how it was broken apart after WWII) The travesty of this whole thing is that Israel CAN co-exist with the Arabs of the region and longs to do so but the Arabs are the ones who refuse to compromise.
In the end, Israel will make some gains but will most likely lose the war of public opinion as even now the MSM and their surrogates are spinning this as an act of aggression that is unnecessary. The UN as well as the EU and Russia has called for Israel to end the conflict now despite that fact that Israel has a right to protect itself against it's enemies. Again, would Russia tolerate the Ukraine launching rockets into its territory every week and causing it's citizens to live in fear? I think not. If something like that were to take place Russia would invade the Ukraine and crush the opposing force. In other words they would do EXACTLY the same thing that Israel is doing now. The reason for the condemnation though is because of how the conflict is shaped in the media. The MSM and the World media want you to believe that the "big bully" Israel is going in "guns blazing" and wiping out the innocent Palestinians who only have rocks to fight back with. The truth however, is far different. Hamas is a well funded terrorist group that get's it's backing from Iran and is in effect an Iranian "proxy" that is fighting Israel. Don't forget that another Iranian proxy just fought the Israeli's in Lebanon not too long ago with much success. This organization, Hezbollah, is also thinking of entering this conflict by launching rockets with much greater range from the North. The idea is to cause Israel to fight on two fronts and cause them to split their forces. This could be very effective and is a good plan if you look at it from their point of view.
People need to realize that Israel is basically fighting for it's very existence here. They are fighting to re-establish that "deterrence factor" that they lost after the war in Lebanon.
As it is, Israel is surrounded by hostile regimes that have vowed to destroy them and "push them into the sea". These countries need to believe that a war with Israel would be devastating for them and a mistake and the "deterrence factor" would keep them from attacking her. The Israeli's fight because they HAVE to NOT because they want to. They only long to live in peace. I pray for the peace of Israel and it's people but I also know that this will not be, according to The Bible, until just before Jesus Christ comes again. If you want to know what's going on with God's plan for the world keep your eyes fixed on Israel for it is there that the "last days" of mankind will unfold.
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