Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The War Against The CIA Continues

In yet ANOTHER reversal of policy by the Obama Administration, Attorney General Holder has announced he will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the CIA interrogators who used tough interrogation techniques to see which of them will be prosecuted.
In a word: STUPID.
At a time when you would think that Obama would be trying to gain some allies for his policies, he is instead creating more enemies.
This shows an extreme lack of executive leadership experience and will strike another blow to an already wounded presidency.
Holder, and by extension Obama, have decided that one of the most important things they can do at this moment in time is declare open war on the CIA.
Brilliant. Nevermind the fact that we now know that the deficit will be an additional 2 Trillion for the next 10 years, the job situation grows worse every month and the American People are in an almost full rebellion against it's government. Apparently, none of that matters.
This whole attack on the CIA is dangerous because it's political in nature. The Obama Administration is doing this primarily so they can distract the American People from the REALLY bad news of the economy and the fact that their "stimulus" isn't working.
In the meantime, this action, even if it doesn't culminate in prosecutions, will have a devastating effect upon the intelligence community in this country.
This will cause a ripple effect that will spread far and wide throughout our wall of protection.
Many of these CIA Agents are selfless people who put their country before their own lives and ask little in return except for the gratitude of the nation and cover for them to do their job.
Let's not forget that we have been SAFE for 8 years now. It's not that there haven't been any attacks planned, they've just been thwarted.
That doesn't happen by coincidence folks. It take months and sometimes years of hard work in dangerous places upon this globe to gather that kind of information. Be glad you DON'T do it but someone has to.
All they ask for is protection so they can get their job done so that WE can all live in peace.
Instead, Obama plans to parade them before the Congress and embarras them publicly. How proud he'll be on that day.
We know for a fact that these interrogators DID gather actionable intelligence that SAVED LIVES. That's indisputable.
According to the Inspector General's investigation nearly 50% of all intelligence gathered that was deemed to be "good" intelligence came from the enhanced interrogations.
Most of which came from KSM himself: KSM, Khalid Shayk Muhammad , the architect of 9/11, “provided information that helped lead to the arrests of terrorists including Sayfullah Paracha and his son Uzair Paracha, businessmen whom Khalid Shayk Muhammad planned to use to smuggle explosives into the United States; Saleh Almari, a sleeper operative in New York; and Majid Khan, an operative who could enter the United States easily and was tasked to research attacks (part redacted). Khalid Shauk Muhammad’s information also led to the investigation and prosecution of Iyman Faris, a truck driver arrested in early 2003 in Ohio.” (Page 87 of the report).
In addition, the IG report (which was given to the Justice Department when it was written five years ago) alleges a number of abuses of detainees including “mock executions” and threats to relatives of the prisoners.
However, according to an August 19, 2009 letter signed by Sen. Kit Bond, ranking Republican on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and eight other Republicans, “Three former Attorneys General and numerous career prosecutors have examined the findings of that report and other evidence and determined that the facts do not support criminal prosecution.”
I think Senator Kit Bond's statement summed it up rather well: “First the White House usurps control over terrorist interrogations, signaling to the world they have lost confidence in Leon Panetta and our intelligence community, and now the Obama Justice Department launches a witch-hunt targeting the terror-fighters who have kept us safe since 9-11. With a criminal investigation hanging over the Agency’s head, every CIA terror fighter will be in CYA mode. With things heating up in Afghanistan and Iraq, this looking back and unwarranted "redo" of prior Justice Department decisions couldn’t come at a worse time for the safety of our troops in harm’s way and our nation.”
Reportedly, this has so angered CIA Director Leon Panetta, a VERY partisan Democrat from the Clinton Administration, that Holder's announcement of a federal prosecutor was prededed by what ABC News reported as a “profanity-laced screaming match” at the White House where Panetta may have threatened to quit.
They just keep piling up for Obama and he still hasn't learned anything. Soon, though he will realize that The White House can be a very lonely place when there are no allies outside of those pristine doors to watch your back.
As Autumn winds begin to blow their familiar , crisp air into the DC area as an omen of the coming Winter, Obama may soon find out how cold Washington can really be.

Monday, August 24, 2009

For Congressional Democrats it's Time to Panic

It has been obvious for some time now that the American people are NOT particularly thrilled with the way the Dem's are running Congress these days.
However, they didn't think that they would do anything desperate and take them out of power. "We'll fight through this" they said. Indeed.
It would appear now however, that that which they feared the most is about to happen. Many prominent Dem's can see the storm clouds gathering in the distance.
As reported in Politico this week:
Charlie Cook, one of the best political handicappers in the business, sent out a special update to Cook Political Report subscribers Thursday that should send shivers down Democratic spines.
Reviewing recent polling and the 2010 election landscape, Cook can envision a scenario in which Democratic House losses could exceed 20 seats.
"These data confirm anecdotal evidence, and our own view, that the situation this summer has slipped completely out of control for President Obama and Congressional Democrats. Today, The Cook Political Report’s Congressional election model, based on individual races, is pointing toward a net Democratic loss of between six and 12 seats, but our sense, factoring in macro-political dynamics is that this is far too low," he wrote.
"Many veteran Congressional election watchers, including Democratic ones, report an eerie sense of déjà vu, with a consensus forming that the chances of Democratic losses going higher than 20 seats is just as good as the chances of Democratic losses going lower than 20 seats."
Cook scrupulously avoided any mention that Democratic control of the House is in jeopardy but, noting a new Gallup poll showing Congress’ job disapproval at 70 percent among independents, concluded that the post-recess environment could feel considerably different than when Congress left in August.
"We believe it would be a mistake to underestimate the impact that this mood will have on Members of Congress of both parties when they return to Washington in September, if it persists through the end of the Congressional recess."
And then there are the anti-Obama Administration columns that are beginning to be written by .....once Obama supporters:
Obama's Enforcer: Not Really Tough Enough, Joe Conason
U.S. Economy: Time for a Real Jobs Stimulus?, Kevin O'Leary Time
Mixed Signals on the Public Option, Paul Krugman NYT
Rasmussen Reports from Thursday, August 18th reported:
Republican candidates have now matched their biggest lead over Democrats of the past several years on the Generic Congressional Ballot.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 43% would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate while 38% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent.
Democrats held a six- or seven-point lead on the ballot for the first few weeks of 2009. That began to slip in early February, and from mid-April through June the two parties were roughly even. Republicans have held a lead on the ballot since the last week in June, the first time they'd been on top in well over a year.
For the second time in three weeks, women favor Republicans slightly more than Democrats, 41% to 39%. Men prefer the GOP by a 45% to 36% margin this week.
And finally this:
When asked the qustion if the country was headed in the right direction or was on the wrong track the respondents overwhelmingly felt that we were headed on the wrong track:
Poll Date Right Direction Wrong Track
ABC News/WP 8/13-8/17 44 55
Pew 8/11-8/17 28 65
Rasmussen 8/10-8/16 34 61
DailyKos/R20008/10-8/13 42 53
All of this data taken together does not bode well for the Democrats.
If they plan to stay in power it would behoove them to listen to these numbers, who represent LIKELY voters, and do as they wish.
Otherwise, come November of 2010 we'll all be talking about how the GOP won back control of Congress and how badly the Dem's were beaten.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Backlash Begins...On both Sides!

For a while now I have been saying that there was a backlash coming and the recent confrontations at many local "town hall" meetings is evidence of exactly that.
However, there has also been an interesting development that many probably didn't see coming. The Democratic backlash against...the Democrats.
The left-wing lunatics within the Democratic Party apparently don't want ANY moderation in their party.
From The Hill:
Reid slammed the DNC for targeting Democrats instead of Republicans or special interest groups that traditionally oppose Democratic policies.
“I think it’s a waste of money,” Reid said when asked about the ads. “Democrats running ads against Democrats?”
The campaign comes one month after a coalition of liberal groups, including ACORN, the AFL-CIO and, launched a $1.1 million television ad campaign to sway centrist Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee.
So not ONLY are these poor Dems getting lambasted by their own constituents for supporting..well EVERYTHING but now they are also getting sniped at from the very same people who are supposed to have their back. Awesome.
It's a real sight to see. I almost pity them....almost.
I knew this would happen sooner or later and I said so many times. Obama and the Dems over-reached and now they are going to pay the price.
Apparently, they think we are in the middle of some kind of Liberal Revolution. Can you smell the pot in the air and hear Jimmy jamming the Star Spangled Banner in the background?
This is their BIG moment. We are witnessing the "Final Solution" that the liberals have been planning for forty years.
They are "all in" on this one and they want that bracelet (if you watch World Poker tour you know exactly what I mean here).
The question is how far are they willing to go to get it? Will they be willing to sacrifice a few "moderate" Democrats just so that they can shove this crap down the throats of the American People?
What they don't understand is that they are digging their own graves.
They are so drunk with power that they think they can do whatever they want.
Congress ridiculed the CEO's of the Big 3 for flying in to Washington in their private, corporate jets and then turns around and orders 2 Gulfstream Jets for THEM that will cost US $132 Million.
The White House is openly asking citizens to "report anything fishy" to them if there is someone out there that is posting wrong information about healthcare reform. That's right, TURN IN YOUR NEIGHBORS AMERICA! And you were worried about the NSA wiretapping program under "W"? LOL!
We are at a critical juncture in this country right now and the stress, the anger and the frustration at what the government is doing is going to reach a breaking point.
When double-digit inflation hits this country like a tsunami about a year from now this current situation will look like a blip on a radar screen.
Our government is effectively treating us like dogs and they've backed us into a corner.
When our "elected representatives" begin deciding on THEIR OWN what they will and won't support then it's time to clean house.
Somewhere along the line, they forgot that they are supposed to represent US.
How dare they think they can go to Congress and pass legislation and NOT have to abide by it as well.
This is exactly the type of elite mindset that caused the first American Revolution. "Those commoners won't dare stand up to us."
There is still time to rectify this but it better happen soon.
Mark my words: this is only the calm before the STORM.

Friday, July 24, 2009

A Teachable Moment

Well by now I'm sure you've all seen the "non-apology" by Obama for smearing the Cambridge Police Department for....doing their job.
You have to give it to him. Obama is a master (bulls*** artist) who really knows how to craft his words. I mean after all, do you know anyone who "calibrates" their words? What does that even mean?
Anyway, the heart of the matter is this: even though he stepped in it, he still can't bring himself to admit that he screwed up.
Instead he said this can be a time for a "teachable moment." In other words "we are all at fault here." Breathtaking...really.
The President was given an increadible opportunity to advance race relations in this country and he blew it.
He could have taken the high road and said something like "As you know, I'm friends with Professor Gates and I'm obliged to give him the benefit of the doubt but at this time I will reserve judgement until I can gather more facts about the situation."
That would have upset nobody. But no. Instead, the first Black President, the racial healer of our nation chose a different response and he played the race card.
BAM! There you go. Nobody wants to talk about it but it's the truth.
When given a choice Obama, without knowing the facts, chose to side with the black guy because, well, because he is black.
The unfortunate thing about all of this is that the three people who behaved the worst in this whole situation were black: Professor Gates, Governor Patrick and President Obama.
I find it interesting that the three higher educated, more distinguished, black men instantaneously chose to blame the lowly, common, blue collar, white police officer.
There was more than race at work here folks, there was elitism as well.
There was Harvard elitism on full display for the whole world to see. Both Gates and Obama are affiliated in one form or another with Harvard.
The truth is this professor decided that this lowly, common, blue collar, white police officer was not going to tarnish HIS image. That would NOT be tolerated.
Instead of cooperating with the police and thanking them for looking after his house, he chose to play the martyr.
If and when the 911 and police audio tapes get released Professor Gates is going to have some 'splainin' to do.
The President could have remained neutral and gathered the facts before wading in on the subject as he should have but he just couldn't help himself. He is who we thought he was.
Is it possible that Obama really WAS paying attention to his mentor and spiritual advisor Reverend Jermiah Wright for twenty years s he spouted his doctrine of hate?
To think that you could sit there for two decades and not absorb some of his black elitist, anti-America ideas is a thought that stretches the bounds of reality.
Obama hates America and he thinks that blacks are better than whites. All you have to do is listen to him in his own words.
If this truly was a "teachable moment" as Obama claims it was, then I submit the one that needs to be "taught" is him.
As far as the beer at The White House that Obama is proposing to "make the peace", may I suggest a Sam Adams BOSTON Lager?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Amazing Race

It happened so suddenly that most of you probably didn't see it. I noticed it immediately because I have been watching so closely.
It's what's known in politics as a momentum shift and a big one is taking place now. Until a few weeks ago Obama was gliding along at a steady pace. He was keeping to his plan and was still acting like "Mr Cool".
However, in the last 2-3 weeks he has picked up speed considerably. The question is why?
Easy. His policies are starting to take hold and the results of those policies are starting to become apparent.
I've said all along that Obama had a "window" of opportunity that he would need to exploit but that it would not last long. I have to admit that the "window" deteriorated much quicker than I thought it would.
I had originally given him about 18 months before we would start feeling the effects of his policies and people would begin to turn on him. It took less than 6 months.
Now, he is in danger and he knows it. In fact, he is so aware of his declining support that he is now starting to get stupid and he is starting to get sloppy.
He is acting like a cornered dog who is ready to bite. His biggest test will come very soon with the Healthcare Bill now being debated in Congress.
Apparently, this plan is SO radical that even the Democrats are starting to back away from it.
Obama is so afraid that he won't get this thing passed that he is trying to ramrod it through Congress without debate. It was introduced on Tuesday and he wanted it to be voted on by Thursday. So much for his promise of 72 hours to let the American People review the plan.
Some reports are now claiming that he is concerned that this will be a referendum on the rest of his policies. If he loses this, it's over.
For those who have actually READ the bill, the startling truth of what this will do to Americans is causing quite a few to give pause.
The fact is American's WANT healthcare to be cheaper and they want it to be fixed. However they do NOT want it to be socialized and run by the government.
This is a pivotal time in Obama's Presidency. He could very well be setting himself up for another Republican Revolution in Congress.
While the American People are still trusting of Mr Obama, as indicated by his high personal approval ratings, they are NOT however, so enamored of his policies as the most recent polls now show.
So the race is on. Obama's "window" is quickly closing and the momentum is shifting. It may not be towards the GOP at this point but one thing is very clear: it's away from the Democrats.
Next year is a Congressional Election year and don't think Congress doesn't know that. They have much at stake. The GOP has nothing to lose, it HAS nothing now. However, the Democrats CRAVE power and do not want to lose it.
My prediction is that this Healthcare Bill will either stall and go nowhere or it will indeed be passed after it's been so watered-down that it won't matter anyway.
Obama can almost see the Finish Line up ahead but the "pack" is quickly catching him and he is running out of steam.
Who will ultimately win this race? Hard to tell at this point but it just might come down to a photo finish. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Cautionary Tale

I recently spoke with a person I'd never met before while trying to assist them in their job search. That's what I do: find people jobs.
For the sake of protecting his identity we'll call him Ian. The following is an excerpt of the conversation that I had with Ian, specifically as it pertains to our current and future healthcare system.
First some background information. Ian is a professional within the IT (Information Technology) industry who also has been heavily involved in the medical/healthcare field for many years. He expertise surrounds setting up and adminstering the systems that various healthcare programs use. He has lived in and worked all over the world mainly in Europe, Canada and Southeast Asia. Ian is highly educated and speaks 12 different languages. He speaks with a British accent and has most recently (last 5 years) become a citizen of the United States. That should be enough to understand where he is coming from.
As we spoke, Ian started to explain that his wife, who lives on an island in the Caribbean is dying. I can't describe how without revealing personal information.
Anyway, as we spoke he suddenly let out a large sigh and said: "You don't know how good we have it here in America, mate." I asked him what he meant by that and he continued: "You MUST resist Obama's attempts to change your heathcare with everything you have." (Now I normally don't talk about politics with clients/consultants but he did most of the talking and I just listened intently).
Ian stated that he used to work in London for a group of doctors years ago whose job it was to "administer" the government healthcare system. He told me: "Once a month these doctors would convene in London to make decisions about who would live and who would die."
I asked him what he meant by that. He said "You see, in this type of healthcare system there is a set budget that they must adhere to and all of the care and equipment costs come out of that budget." " If there is only 5 dialysis machines then only so many people will get a dialysis treatment that month." "You can't go anywhere else either," he continued, "because they are faced with the same issues there as well."
Ian went on for about 15 minutes recounting story after story after story of personal friends that had needed care and either could not get what they wanted or DID finally get it after waiting for months to do so. Some did not make it.
He said that his friends back home in England are very worried about what is going on here in America because this was thier "Ace in the hole" when they couldn get treatment back home. If America goes the way of England and Canada they'll have to find another place to get their treatment.
Ian said very solemnly: "I tell everyone I meet, and I mean EVERYONE that this will be the end of America if this is allowed to happen." He said "You American's don't understand that even though your healthcare system might be broken and it might be expensive, it's still the best healthcare in the world." "I know," he continued, "I've lived all over the world but I CHOSE to be an American."
Ian and I spoke for another ten or fifteen minutes and he finally said: "If you love this country, mate, you'll not let this happen without a fight."
The thing that I love about my job is that I get to talk to people. All kinds of people from all over the country and the world. I was struck by the passion that this man had for a country that he just came to know as his own not even a decade ago.
Ian fears that he will lose his wife soon and healthcare is a subject that is near and dear to his heart. She is dying because of an operation that was performed outside the United States in a healthcare system that was substandard to say the least.
His hope is to bring her here to the United States to see if she can get SOME treatment before it's too late. However, his confidence in that happening is slowly abating.
"Don't let this happen," I can hear him saying, "not here too." "Not in America."

Monday, July 13, 2009

The CIA Witch Hunt

Everyone has themselves in a tizzy over the secret CIA program that Cheney allegedly hid from Congress. This is much ado about nothing and is turning into a Democrat witchhunt.
First of all let's look at some important points:
Point 1: This program never went operational.
Point 2: The reason why VP Cheney decided to keep it from Congress was most likely to KEEP IT SECRET.
Point 3: This is nothing different than what the Obama Administration is doing RIGHT NOW!
Now let's look at them more carefully.
Point 1: As reported today in the WSJ:
One former senior intelligence official said the program was an attempt "to achieve a capacity to carry out something that was directed in the finding," meaning it was looking for ways to capture or kill al Qaeda chieftains.The official noted that Congress had long been briefed on the finding, and that the CIA effort wasn't so much a program as "many ideas suggested over the course of years." It hadn't come close to fruition, he added.
Senior CIA leaders were briefed two or three times on the most recent iteration of the initiative, the last time in the spring of 2008. At that time, CIA brass said that the effort should be narrowed and that Congress should be briefed if the preparations reached a critical stage, a former senior intelligence official said.
It never did, no need to brief Congress. If the intelligence agencies of the government were required to brief Congress every time they got an idea they would NEVER get anything accomplished.
Point 2: Less than TWO WEEKS after this program was "discovered" and briefed to Congress it hits the FRONT PAGES. Is there any wonder Cheney thought it best to keep it quiet until it became operational?
Obviously Congress is full of leaks and cannot be trusted and certainly NOT the hostile congressional environment that existed in Bush's second term. Cheney most likely believed, as I do now, that the Dems so hated Bush that they would have "outed" this program just to spite him. Nevermind the fact that he only had our safety in mind, that means little when power is at stake.
Point 3: This is the most ridiculous part of all of this. The righteous indignation that some in Congress are trying to portray when it comes to the mission of this program: assassinations of top Al Qaeda leaders. Not the "A" word!
Nevermind the fact that the world would be much better served if a few less bin Laden's were walking around but there is no difference between what the Bush Administration wanted to do with this program and what the Obama Administration is doing now in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
In Newsweek 7/8/09:
The Obama administration's much-heralded new strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan (AfPak, as the portfolio has been called) is to pour in piles of cash to develop the countries being rent by militias like the Taliban. But the plan is much more equivocal about the tactics for combating those groups. Under Gen. David McKiernan, the previous U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Predator drones were a primary tool for engagment, but since the man who replaced him, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, has announced a mandate to limit civilian deaths, experts thought drone attacks would abate. Not so far, according to this week's news.
So as you can see, nothing's changed. Instead of CIA agents on the ground taking out high-value terrorist operatives, we are now doing it from the sky with predator drones. It's still assassination no?
So what is this REALLY about? Cover. Political cover to be exact.
What you are witnessing is the Dems rallying around the flag. They are closing ranks to protect thier leader, Speaker Pelosi.
She got caught. She knows she got caught. WE know she got caught. And yet, she persists. The Dems can't allow her to fall. No matter what, they must keep her there.
If she falls they will be crushed. The political ramifications of something that big would send shockwaves through Washington and beyond. This would turn the American People against them and quickly. The just got their power back and they by no means intend to give it away.
So they have decided they are going to dig in and fight. They are going to fight the most powerful, secretive and skilled intelligence agency in the world. (The Israeli Mossad is a very close second)
The people WE call on to bring down countries from within. The ones we call on to know everything about everything BEFORE anybody else knows it.
Well all I can say is good luck. Your going to need it. This is going to get ugly...soon.
Oh and for those of you with wet dreams about Cheney doing the "perp walk" for this, think again. You don't serve in the government for as long as Cheney has without knowing how to protect yourself.
Remember in Washington it's not WHO or WHAT you know that keeps you out of trouble. It's WHAT you know about where the "bodies" are buried. Cheney knows not only that but he also knows who put them there and they know it.
This is nothing more than politics, pure and simple. As usual, when it comes to choosing between thier power and the good of the People, The Dems choose their power. Typical.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Technorati Blog Post

a5qfbdgz8h Needs to be poseted inj my blog so that Technorati can find it. Just disregard.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Stimulus NOT Stimulating

Even though the Messiah can't bring himself to admit it, he was dead wrong on the economy and now it's starting to show.
Instead of admitting that they made a mistake the new spin out of the Obama Administration is "we didn't misread anything, we had incomplete information." That almost sounds like "I tried marijuana, but I didn't inhale." Sure Mr President, we believe you.
Apparently the Vice President is the only one in the Administration that has the guts to admit that they screwed up. He actually came out and said "everyone guessed wrong...we misread the economy." I'm sure Obama will have a "talk" with him when he gets back to The White House for that one.
However, the cracks in this house of cards are starting to show and the foundation is starting to tremble.
Unemployment is nearing 10%.
Jobs are continuing to be lost (about a half million a month)
The stock market is in neutral.
Foreclosures continue at record levels.
The residential housing market is dead and now the commercial real estate market is slumping as well.
So when exactly is the "stimulus" supposed to start working?
Apparently, it's not going to. By their own admission, the Obama Administration is now saying that the first stimulus was NOT ENOUGH. We need more they say. We need another stimulus.
Another stimulus? Why?
If it's not working then why would you try the same thing AGAIN? Not only that but WHO is going to lend us the money this time around? We can't pay for the last stimulus?
I know it might sound like an episode of the Twilight Zone folks but this is where we are in this country today.
In the meantime, Europe is embracing conservatism and cutting taxes.
Folks, I wish this was a joke. I really do. Some nightmare that we will all wake up from at some point. Unfortunately, it's far too real and the idiots that we have running our government don't have any idea what they are doing.
It's my belief that they are employing the "spaghetti" method in Congress these days. If they throw something up against the wall and it sticks, it's good!
While the Obama Administration and our Congress of Fools debates another stimulus and borrowing more money to mortgage our children's future, it would appear that the American People are finally starting to wake up.
In the Washington Post today: Barely half of Americans are now confident that President Obama's $787 billion stimulus measure will boost the economy, and the rapid rise in optimism about the state of the nation that followed the 2008 election has abated, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Overall, 52 percent now say the stimulus package has succeeded or will succeed in restoring the economy, compared with 59 percent two months ago. The falloff in confidence has been sharpest in the hard-hit Midwest, where fewer than half now see the government spending as succeeding.
The falloff since April cuts across partisan lines. Confidence in the package's effectiveness has dropped from 81 percent to 73 percent among Democrats and from 32 percent to 26 percent among Republicans. Among independents, it has dropped from 56 percent to 50 percent. What was once a clearly positive assessment of the program among independents (56 to 39 percent) is now an almost even split (50 to 47 percent).
There are other polls that have similar findings but since this is the one that the media often touts I thought I would use it as well.
With this kind of return on our investment from the stimulus bill, I'll bet you can't wait until they start "fixing" healthcare.
Signpost up ahead reads.....well you know.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Don't Count Sarah Out

It didn't take long for the media and just about everyone under the sun to start criticizing Sarah Palin's decision to resign as Alaska Governor.
She's a quitter, a coward, a self-serving politician, a screwed up right wing fanatic, etc. Depending on who you listen to she's either "the world's worst person" or she is "a saint".
Maybe, she's neither. Maybe she is just an America woman who is sick and tired of people attacking her family. Maybe she is tired of not being able to get anything done because of all the phony ethics investigations she has to deal with. I don't blame her for leaving.
I have no idea what Sarah Palin is planning to do with her future and quite frankly I don't care. If she runs for President, great! If she disappears behind the scenes and just continues to do her thing then I'm ok with that too.
Sure, I would love to see her emerge as a leader in the GOP so that maybe the house can be united again. But if she decides to just ride off into the sunset then that's great also.
You see, what people can't stand about her is that she doesn't play by the rules of the game. And that pisses people off.
She doesn't bow to the media elite and they hate her for that. She doesn't have an Ivy League education and they hate her for that. She doesn't NEED to be in the spotlight and they REALLY hate her for that.
Obama was never asked ANY of the questions that were asked of Sarah Palin during the campaign. And that Bush Doctrine qustion that she supposedly got wrong? Well, nobody will admit it but old Charlie Gibson got it wrong too. Sorry, Charlie.
The media doesn't understand how someone could be given all of this attention only to resist it all and walk out of the spotlight.
The media is complicit in the attacks that she and her family have had to endure and they know it. However, Sarah can walk away from all of it and she will be completely satisfied with her life.
That's what they don't understand. Down here in the "lower 48" we CRAVE media attention and we suckle at the breast of celebrity. Not so much up there in God's Country.
Sarah summed it up well when she made the following statement: "I said before...'You know, politically speaking, if I die, I die. So be it,'" she said.
It will take a hundred years before the media can figure that one out. They just don't get it...still.
I'll just say this. I was planning to vote for John McCain BEFORE he picked Sarah Palin as his running mate. However, afterward, I started WORKING for the campaign until the end as did many others.
The energy that she brought to the ticket was amazing and I knew early on that McCain was doomed when she pulled TWICE the crowd he did at their rallies.
Sarah Palin is a great American woman who loves her family, her country and Alaska and she always will. I've seen first hand the energy she brings to a campaign and she speaks for many of us out here.
She's learned what a Presidential Campaign entails and she will be ready if she throws her hat in the ring.
Will America be ready to elect the first woman President or will they pass this by simply because she is a conservative?
If Sarah DOES run for President then Obama will face the same thing McCain faced when he ran against him...history in the making.
That is why you shouldn't count her out.

Hey GOP, Look On The Bright Side!

Look, I know all of you Republicans out there are sick to death with what is going on with this country. The reason I know this is because I, as a fellow Republican, feel the same.
However, I started looking at things a little differently lately and I found that I don't feel so bad about the predicament we are in.
Sure, the Dems run the WHOLE GOVERNMENT. Sure, they now have the Super Majority in the Senate so they need not fear any GOP filibuster. Sure Obama is quickly enacting his socialist agenda and probably can't be stopped until much later down the road.
Admittedly, those are all very good reasons to be depressed if you are a Republican or Conservative or both.
However, look at it this way. Now that the Dems control everything, they can no longer blame what's wrong in this country on anyone else.
How long do you think the American people are going to fall for the "it's Bush's fault" argument? Not very long. They might get another 3-5 months out of that one but it is becoming painfully clear that the Dems have become drunk with power, Obama included, and are over-reaching by a huge margin.
American will start to get real tired of hearing them say the recovery is right around the corner and not see any evidence to support that claim. Now they are saying it's 2 years away. When did that change?
Anyway, it is going to be impossible for Dems running for office in the next few years to blame anything on the GOP. That means they will most likely turn on each other.
You'll start to hear things like" Sure, my opponent is a Democrat like me but he is much more conservative/liberal than I am". Just wait and's coming.
So, I suggest that you get involved and start working at the grass roots level to start grooming candidates for future elections. Sit back and gather the ammo that the Dems are sure to hand us as they drive this country into the toilet.
You just know that Al Franken is going to say something stupid. It's only a matter of time. He can't help it. The pressure on him will be too much and he'll break.
Nancy Pelosi is less popular than Dick Cheney. Clearly, she is in deep trouble. She has powerful allies in The House but she'll fall eventually.
Remember, they can't blame anyone else for the angst that future voters will have and are now beginning to feel. They will only have themselves to blame.
The question I have though is this: at what point will the media jump off the Obama boat?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Admiration or Worship?

Counting this latest cover with Michelle Obama on the cover, this will be the 21st time that an Obama has graced the cover of Time Magazine. That's right 21 TIMES!!!
Given that The President hasn't DONE anything yet isn't it a little premature to make him King? I mean sure he is a handsome, black gentleman with a gift for using teleprompters , I mean giving speeches but what has he accomplished? BESIDES taking over the financial industry, apologizing to every enemy of America, funding abortions overseas with our taxpayer money and nationlizing the automobile manufacturing industry.
Look, if he ends up being the guy who turns this mess around and brings America back from the brink then sure, let's name some schools after him. But we might want to wait to see how this all ends up. Otherwise, Time as well as a certain segment of the population is going to look awfully stupid later on down the road.
By the way, can anybody tell me what "The Meaning of Michelle" is supposed to mean? Should we canonize her? Should she now be known as St Michelle, The Patron Saint of those without (designer) Shoes? This is all getting a little ridiculous and someone's going to end up with egg on their face.
You need to stop the worship of these two and hold them accountable. Sure, they are the first African- American's to reside in The White House. I know, believe me, I know. That one fact seems to be the most important thing about these two according to some out there. Sooner or later though you need to put down the Kool-Aid, stop the infatuation and realize that they are playing for keeps here.
Think about this for just one second: Including the debt that the Federal Reserve has recently bought up, our government, YOUR government, has borrowed more money in the last 6 months than in the previous 30 years. The catch phrase inside the Beltway these days is "Trillion is the new Billion". However, let's not forget that someone is going to have to pay that bill.
Let's stop the worship of the Messiah and make this man tell us why he feels the need to saddle the next TWO GENERATIONS with crippling debt. Would you abuse your own child? Then why let a stranger do it? This is government sanctioned child abuse and we are standing by and letting it happen.
Who is going to be next? What other bailouts are coming down the road? What happens when the debt load is so large (some say it is already) that the only way to pay it back is to raise interest rates. What are you going to say to your children and your grandchildren when they tell you that they can't afford to own a home because the interest rates are in the double digits?
There is a wave of crippling inflation coming and it will be painful for the large majority of Americans. Expecially those without disposable incomes. You know, the MIDDLE CLASS. Those folks that Obama promised he would help out and who probably got him elected because of that promise. They will get hurt the most.
If you are NOT outraged at what is going on then A. You don't understand the stakes B. You don't care or C. You think we are heading in the right direction. Well, there is a sign up ahead people and it's says DANGEROUS ROAD AHEAD, PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
It's high time some of you heeded that advice. This train is going to wreck sooner or later, that's a fact. The question is can we stop it in time. Unless we demand that our government STOPS BORROWING and SPENDING money we don't have we won't see a change. Even the Prez admitted as much. As stated in a Bloomberg article on May 14th:
President Barack Obama, calling current deficit spending “unsustainable,” warned of skyrocketing interest rates for consumers if the U.S. continues to finance government by borrowing from other countries. “We can’t keep on just borrowing from China,” Obama said at a town-hall meeting in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, outside Albuquerque. “We have to pay interest on that debt, and that means we are mortgaging our children’s future with more and more debt.” Holders of U.S. debt will eventually “get tired” of buying it, causing interest rates on everything from auto loans to home mortgages to increase, Obama said. “It will have a dampening effect on our economy.”
So if he KNOWS this to be the case then WHY is he proposing that we spend and borrow more money? Is anyone out there paying attention? Have we completely just checked out? Have we thrown in the towel on America already?
If this continues we may need to rewrite our most precious documents to read that we are now a People Of the Government, By the Government and For the Government. There is still time left but the sands are running out of the hourglass at an alarming rate. It's up to us, ALL of us.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Another Sign of The End

The following is an article that recently appeared in Pravda. That's right the RUSSIAN newspaper Pravda. How bad must things be in America and how blind must Americans be when our former enemies have more insight into our issues then our own people? Frightening.

American capitalism gone with a whimper 27.04.2009Source: Pravda.Ru

It must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people.
True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.
Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters.
First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather then the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas then the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a BurgerKing burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blind the foolish.
Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more then Sunday circuses and their televangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more then happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America.
The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more then another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Wiemar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe.
These past two weeks have been the most breath taking of all. First came the announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, loses and swindles of hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarchs look little more then ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat our own thieves in the shear volumes. Should we congratulate them?
These men, of course, are not an elected panel but made up of appointees picked from the very financial oligarchs and their henchmen who are now gorging themselves on trillions of American dollars, in one bailout after another. They are also usurping the rights, duties and powers of the American congress (parliament). Again, congress has put up little more then a whimper to their masters.
Then came Barack Obama's command that GM's (General Motor) president step down from leadership of his company. That is correct, dear reader, in the land of "pure" free markets, the American president now has the power, the self given power, to fire CEOs and we can assume other employees of private companies, at will. Come hither, go dither, the centurion commands his minions.
So it should be no surprise, that the American president has followed this up with a "bold" move of declaring that he and another group of unelected, chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even be the guarantee of automobile policies. I am sure that if given the chance, they would happily try and redesign it for the whole of the world, too. Prime Minister Putin, less then two months ago, warned Obama and UK's Blair, not to follow the path to Marxism, it only leads to disaster. Apparently, even though we suffered 70 years of this Western sponsored horror show, we know nothing, as foolish, drunken Russians, so let our "wise" Anglo-Saxon fools find out the folly of their own pride.
Again, the American public has taken this with barely a whimper...but a "freeman" whimper.
So, should it be any surprise to discover that the Democratically controlled Congress of America is working on passing a new regulation that would give the American Treasury department the power to set "fair" maximum salaries, evaluate performance and control how private companies give out pay raises and bonuses? Senator Barney Franks, a social pervert basking in his homosexuality (of course, amongst the modern, enlightened American societal norm, as well as that of the general West, homosexuality is not only not a looked down upon life choice, but is often praised as a virtue) and his Marxist enlightenment, has led this effort. He stresses that this only affects companies that receive government monies, but it is retroactive and taken to a logical extreme, this would include any company or industry that has ever received a tax break or incentive.
The Russian owners of American companies and industries should look thoughtfully at this and the option of closing their facilities down and fleeing the land of the Red as fast as possible. In other words, divest while there is still value left.
The proud American will go down into his slavery with out a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker.
Stanislav Mishin

Just an update: I now blog at Open Salon (Salon Magazine) so you can catch me there at:

Friday, February 20, 2009

This is how we treat our heroes?

Jeffrey Maxwell is a 30 year old veteran of the U.S. Marines and the War in Iraq. After his honorable service to this country he returned from the war and decided that he would go out and make something of himself and get a college degree. That was 3 years ago.

Today, Maxwell is trying to get back in college after he was ousted by a student disciplinary panel who said that he "may not re-enroll at the college until a mental health professional determines that he is not a threat to himself or the public." So what exactly did he do? Did he cheat on an exam? Did he rape a woman on campus? Did he start a riot on campus where there was property damage done? No. In fact, if he HAD done any of these he would probably still be there at Western Oregon University.

No, what Maxwell did was even more hienous than that. He was caught, on campus, with concealed weapons and .........worst of of the weapons was a gun! Can you believe that? A GUN!!!!! Well, that is inexcusable. Especially in the liberal mecca of today's university campus!!

It matters not that he had a concealed weapon's permit and was a "law abiding" gun owner. Or the fact that as a former Marine, Mr Maxwell is very well trained to use this weapon. None of that matters. What matters is that the university actually has a no-gun policy which Maxwell knew nothing about.

So how did they treat this hero? They handcuffed him and dragged him off campus. Then in their infinite wisdom, a bunch of liberal, snot-nosed kids that were probably watching High School Musical while Maxwell was dodging bullets and serving his country, decided that he must have a mental health issue and can't come back until he proves that he is mentally competent.
Why do you ask would Maxwell do such a thing? Maxwell said he was concerned about his and other students' safety after the April 2007 massacre at Virginia Tech.

"When Marines hear gunfire, we don't run from it. We run toward it," Maxwell told KATU. "I kind of thought of myself as one of the good guys – the one who, if something happened at school, was going to step in and save everybody else."

He did it for his safety and for the safety of his fellow students. Instead of watching a massacre and be powerless to stop it you would have a trained Marine that knows exactly how to nullify this type of threat and the means to do so. That way we wouldn't have to watch the body bags of over a dozen students be wheeled out the door on national television.

Apparently that makes too much sense. Instead they would rather their students be lambs waiting for the slaughter as some crazed lunatic decides he no longer wants to live and wants to take some of his fellow students with him.

This is a perfect example of political correctness gone awry. Wake up America!! We have a RIGHT to bear arms. No university law should be able to trump that of the State. At present, Maxwell is appealing his case, and the District Attorney has dropped the charges. And yet, he is going to have to beg to get back on campus and finish his education while the little punks that ousted him get to laugh behind his back (which they did after they imposed judgement) because they think they did something great and stood up for themselves. However, the only thing they have done is brought shame upon themselves and the university and have shown themselves to be ignorant of what America truly is. Cowards, all of them. To Mr Maxwell: from one Marine to another...Semper Fidelis, Marine!

BTW, I smell a lawsuit coming. Something tells me that Mr Maxwell will no longer have to be concerned (if he ever was) about money for his college education. There WILL be an apology soon also. Bet on it.

I have included the link to the article so that you can send an email to the University President and let him know EXACTLY how you feel.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Propagandist in Chief

Uh oh, someone's in trouble!!! First the surprise tax issues that embarassed and ultimatley sunk some of Obama's Cabinet Nominees and now this! I'm telling you heads will roll when this hits the cable networks.

We just watched The President of the United States get up in front of millions of people and tell a boldface lie! That's right, I called him a liar. How many times did he say "this is the worst economic period in American history, since the Great Depression." I knew it was a sham when he was saying it during the campaign but I am somewhat surprised that he is still using that phrase. Those are indeed the talking points because everyone in the media is using them. There's only one ain't true!!

According to records "The 1970s were perhaps the worst decade of Western and certainly of American economic performance since the Great Depression. " (source Wikipedia or until someone realizes it and takes it down). Now if I could find this by doing a little bit of research I'm sure The Obama Administration with it's vast resources could do the same. If they didn't then shame on them and that makes me a little nervous to say the least. If they did then they know what they are putting out is false information and they are doing it anyway. Hmmmmmm......

Again, "By the time of 1980, when U.S. President Jimmy Carter was running for re-election against Ronald Reagan, the misery index (the sum of the unemployment rate and the inflation rate) had reached an all-time high of 21.98%. "(Wikipedia) Again, the facts don't bear out Mr Obama's argument. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the current National Unemployment Rate is: 7.6% as of January 2009. The average inflation rate, according to, for 2008 was 3.85%. So as you can see we are nowhere near the numbers that were present in the 1970's.

However, none of this matters. Obama and the Dems are counting on the fact that the average American won't take the time to do the research to figure this out. Instead they will let the media and their own press releases shape the debate and strike fear into the American people. That way they can ramrod all the government spending and growth they want down your throat and when they are done you'll ask for more.

Ask yourself this question: If they are willing to be less than truthful about this what else are they planning to lie to us about? Hope, change, new direction? Elections have consequences.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Russian Bear Awakens!

Just what exactly has the Kremlin been up to lately? While we here in America have been enthralled with our latest Presidential Election, the Russians have slowly, quietly been traveling the world reaching out to our enemies and allies alike with the sole intent of strengthening their relationships with them. In the last 3+ months Dmitry Medvedev and our boy Vlad "The Mad" Putin have been to Cuba, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Venezuela and the list goes on.

At each one of these stops they have spoken of entering into new "strategic" relationships with these countries while at the same time pointing their finger in the direction of the US and calling for restraint. This is bizarre behavior unless you remember what the M.O. for the Russian's was BEFORE they became our friends. For those of us who remember the Cold War this is nothing new. This is Russia flexing it's muscle and doing it's best to spread it's brand of governement throughout the whole of the free world.

Times have changed and there is no longer Communism in the Russian State or so we have been told. If one takes a closer look at the modern-day Russia one will start to see that there is indeed a resurgence in that type of thinking and with Putin behind the scenes doing what he can to bring about a new Russian superpower, the times they are a changing!

The most recent provocation seems to be Russia inserting itself into the Afghanistan situation by promising millions in aid to Kyrgyzstan in exchange for their promise to NOT let us use their airbases to re-supply our troops in that region. I'm sure we will continue to use the airbase but is seems that Russia is going to make us pay a heavy price in order to keep this priveledge.

If you listen carefully you can almost hear the low, gutteral, growl of the bear as it slowly awakens from it's long winter's hibernation and ravenous, it begins it's search for it's long awaited meal.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

It's payback time!

There is still time to stop it but since the House already passed the huge "Obama Bailout Bill" along party lines, I have no doubt that the Senate will do the same. It was inevitable really. I knew that once Obama got in he would make sure that the Dems were able to exact revenge upon the GOP for all of their past frustrations and he is off to a good start. This $800 billion mess is nothing more than payback to the special interests that helped to put Obama in The White House.

He made sure that the "Mexico City Policy" which authorizes the government to use tax payer dollars to provide "birth control" services on a global basis was the VERY FIRST thing he signed. This was payback to the Pro-Choice, NARAL and Pro-Abortion crowd that helped him to get elected.

Among the funds within this bill is millions that is going to be given to the NEA for "arts and cultural" education and events. Thank you NEA, Hollywood, Broadway, etc for helping me to get elected as President. Here is your payback.

The list goes on and on and on. This thing is nothing but a big, fat, porky, pig that Obama is using to payback his supporters so that he can ensure they will continue to support him. The really disturbing fact is that MOST, 80% of the funds allocated will not be available for use until after 2010!! So how exactly is this going to be a "stimulus" plan if we are in a recession now? It's NOT! That's the dirty little secret. What is does do though is allow the Dems and Obama to position themselves well for re-election in the future. About the time that the funds start to really have any effect, which I doubt they will do regardless, Obama and his buddies will be getting ready to run for another term.

See, the real secret is this: all of this is being done for one reason and one reason only: power! The Dems and Obama want to make sure they have it and can keep it long enough to enact some of their largest social programs. Once they can get the people to start depending on the government for say FREE healthcare and college tuition, the people will grow comfortable, complacent and DEPENDENT which will allow them to do anything.

This "stimulus" bill is a huge mistake that our children will be paying for for generations to come. After all, we are about to "give away" $800 billion that WE DON'T HAVE! But hey, they say, just print some more money! Who cares if the inflation rate is in the double digits for years to come? Just keep giving the people what they want and they will learn to depend on us!!! That way they will never want to be without our assistance again...ever.

Slavery comes in many forms. Some by force and some without. We The People are allowing Obama and the Dems to willing enslave us and most people don't recognize it. Once the shackles are tightened around our wrists and ankles those who hold the keys will have complete control.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The "bloom" is off the rose

Well that didn't take long. I have been waiting for Obama to do this and he finally did. All throughout the campaign as people would shower him with accolades about being the "chosen one" he would tend to brush them off. After all, he is smart enough to know that eventually that would turn many people against him if he displayed an air of entitlement. However, now that he is in the Oval Office he appears to be ready to assert himself and cash in on that moniker.

At a recent White House meeting with Republican "leaders" ( and I use that term lightly) Obama made the comment "I won" when told that they had some concerns about the new stimulus package he is trying to get the Congress to pass. This comment tells me that he has no intentions of playing fair with the other side and with the Dems in control he plans to ramrod whatever he can through both Houses of Congress while he has the opportunity.

That comment also tells me that he plans to assert his new found "messiahness" to his advantage and belittle the GOP whenever given a chance. Make no mistake, there will be NO bipartisan cooperation with this White House that isn't coerced. Obama plans to bully the GOP into submission and he off to a great start.

My feeling is that at some point Obama will over-reach and will over-play his hand. His recent comments about Rush Limbaugh confirm this. According to the New York Post (and the headline on the DrudgeReport) Obama also said "You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done." Obama feels that he has so much political capital that he is untouchable and that he can do almost anything and get the approval of his "Obamacons". He's right too! These zombies will believe anything he says and they will give him a pass on just about anything he does. For now. Going after Rush Limbaugh is a big mistake and it's been tried before. Be careful Mr Obama, many have tried....and failed.

Even the media is starting to see that Mr Obama is signaling that when it comes to THIS White House things will NOT be business as usual. Obama used the media to disseminate his propaganda during the campaign to persuade the ignorant that he was NOT a liberal, socialist and that he was a new kind of politician. The media obeyed and did it's job (thank you Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, MSNBC and the list goes on) and they expected that there would be some kind of payback for their loyalty. Sorry, not in this administration. Just like everyone else the Mr Obama used to get to where he is he has left them behind.

I think we are going to see a very different President than we have see in a very long time in Mr Obama. He will aggressively, but cautiously, put forward HIS agenda and he will not compromise on anything. He will run roughshod over his enemies and he will have no mercy. After all, he is accountable to no one. His minions think he is a god and his critics are afraid of him. This is going to be interesting to watch and very dangerous for America!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Where is the outrage?

So you would think that as much as the Dem's and their allies in the Eco-activist world shout about global warming and saving the planet, when given the chance to demonstrate how serious they are about this cause they would go out of their way to really impress people. Right? Wrong! Instead they showed their true colors as most of us who don't believe in the "global warming" or "climate change" hoax knew they would eventually.

The Inauguration the other day was no doubt filled with Obama supporters who for the most part are also the very same people who shout the loudest about "global warming". So you would think that with the whole WORLD watching they would set a good example for their cause. have you seen the pictures of the aftermath of the gathering that took place? According to some reports the D.C Street workers who were assigned to clean up the mess have so far removed over 130 TONS of TRASH. Nothing says "save the planet" like trashing The Mall!! Everything from sleeping bags, socks, soda cups, coffee cups, Obama mementos (which they had to buy) and other assorted garbage was just left there for someone else to pick up. Now THAT is what I call caring for the planet.

On top of this there was also a record set the other day that no one wants to talk much about; especially Al Gore. The Inauguration of BHO will go down in history for many things. The most glaring fact being that it set the all-time record for the most PRIVATE JETS ever used for such an event. There was an estimated 600 small private jets (the kind that get really bad MPG and supposedly destroy the atmosphere) that inundated the DC Metro and have probably single-handedly made the "carbon footprint" in DC the worst it's ever been. You didn't think the Hollywood Elite would fly coach did you? After all this is THE party of the century!!

As with most things that Liberals and Democrats protest about this is just another example of their overall attitude when it comes to social, economic and "climate" issues. They don't necessarily plan to heed their own advice but they darn sure want to make sure you do!! This whole fiasco is a very good example of what you can expect for the next four years and from the Obama Administration and it's minions. The rallying cry shall go forth to all the people from this day forward: Do as I say, not as I do!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Torch has been snuffed out

I keep hearing the media talk about the "torch being passed' to Obama today. Quite frankly, anyone who sees this man for what he truly is knows better than that. The torch isn't being passed as much as it is being snuffed out. No longer will America be the land of opportunity. From here on out we will be the land of opportunity that the Government says you can engage in. If not, no dice. We will no longer be a nation guided by the rule of law. Instead we will be guided by an activist Congress, an activist Supreme Court and a weak, but charismatic President that will be stuck in the middle. No longer will we be a country that practices Capitalism and Free Trade. Instead we will be a Socialist Republic with isolationist tendencies. As much as the media and the Obamessiah would like you to believe that we are entering a time of great promise in America, we are actually entering a time of great distress and danger. The very fundamentals that have kept this country strong for over two centuries are under attack.

The other day Obama said that we have an "imperfect Constitution but it could be perfect". What does that mean? Does he plan to change the sacred text that built this country? Does he think he has that kind of political capital? Be careful Mr Obama. Yes, you won the election and yes, you are making history but don't think there aren't those that will resist you in every way if you attempt to change this country radically. This is your day. Enjoy it. Tomorrow, Sir, you become accountable to We the People and "We" will be watching.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Circus is Coming!!!

I hate to say this folks but if you aren't already, you need to prepare yourselves for a fantastic spectacle that will soon be unveiled. I'm talking about the Washington, D.C. Circus (aka the Government of the United States) because it's soon coming to a city/town near you. The way this is shaping up is magnificent!!! We will soon be under the governance of this circus and all its sordid cast of characters. Let's take a look at the performers, shall we?

Ladies and Gentleman and children of all ages....Your Master of Ceremonies...

Barack Obama-Soon, he will no longer be the President-Elect. In fact he will actually have to MAKE a decision and maybe, just maybe the MSM will hold him responsible for the outcome. The "messiah" will soon no longer be able to say "We only have one President in this country at a time" while shirking responsibility for the many difficult decisions that THIS President has had to make. Sure "W" didn't get it all right but no one has. He kept us safe for 7 years. For that alone he would get my vote again. How long will it be before we are attacked again..we shall see. The main reason Obama scares me is his record...or, um lack thereof. I STILL can't find a single Obama supporter that can tell me what this man has done. NOT ONE. The only thing they say, while their eyes are glazed over like some kind of zombie, is that "he inspires hope". WHAT? Are you kidding me? THAT'S a reason to vote for someone at one of the most critical times in this nation's history? So let me ask this question of you Obama supporter's: What if he ISN'T up to the task? What if he CAN'T do it? What then? Will Joe Biden burst onto the scene and rescue us all? This a very dangerous world and we don't have time for someone to get "OJT" or On the Job Training. And one more thing that you need to consider. Have you EVER know anyone that has come out of the Chicago Political Machine and NOT been dirty? Anyone?

If you will direct your attention now to the center ring....I give you the Lion Tamer...

Hillary Clinton-Just when we thought we were getting rid of the Clinton's, Obama did what I knew he would..he named Hillary Secretary of State. Payback? Appeasement? Who knows? I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for those conversations though!! Obama has no idea what he has done. But, just as all of those that serve the Clinton's eventually discover, he will have a rude awakening at SOME point down the road. For her part Hillary will be magnificent in this role. She'll try to be Golda Meir, Madeleine Albright and Margaret Thatcher all rolled up into one. She will be feared, she will be respected, she will be majestic! and she will be a disaster!!! If there is one thing that I have learned from watching the Clinton's in the last almost two decades is this: Hillary does what Hillary wants....period. She will test Obama also to see where her boundaries are. Will he have the courage to put her in her place? Doubtful. He has a problem standing up to strong women...look at his wife. Michelle Obama might be more of an adversary for Hillary and I would pay to see that. Just when we got the White House sterilized and back in order...the Clinton's are going back. Unbelievable.

Ladies and Gentleman, children of all ages...what would a circus be without the clowns?

Congress (both houses), is going to be a real joy to behold and quite frankly C-SPAN might soon become the "must watch T.V" network. When you combine Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank and now Al Franken together in one place your bound to have some fun. I still can't believe that the American People were stupid enough to allow the very same people who were MOST responsible for the "so called financial crisis" to get re-elected so that they could continue to destroy the very foundations of this country. Sure there is enough blame to go around on the GOP side as well but when you examine the main perpetrators there is NO doubt that the Liberal, Leftists in Congress PLANNED for this to happen or at the very least stood by and did nothing while they knew what was coming. The End Game? Socialism. Pure and simple. They knew that the People would never vote for it but if they knew that if they could enact it incrementally we would wake up one day and no longer recognize this country as a Capitalist country. That day is now. Sadly, due to the leftist influence in our education systems in the public sector, many Americans could not tell you what Capitalism is if you asked them. How then could they be counted on to protest against it's decline? The answer is: they can't. Welcome to the present day in America. Capitalism is slowly dying while Socialism and soon Marxism/Communism will take it's place. America the Free? For how long?

As you can see, this is truly a sight to behold and I for one am bristling with anticipation to see the absolute freak show that our government will turn into. You see folks, your vote DOES count and elections DO have consequences. Get comfortable, get your popcorn and get ready to enjoy the show. After all, it's the GREATEST show on Earth! Right?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Israeli-Palestinian Double Standard

For the past week, the story that has dominated the worldwide news coverage has been the re-newed fighting in the Gaza Strip between Hamas and the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces). Israel apparently has had enough of Hamas reigning down rockets and mortars on it's people and has decided that they are going to wipe out Hamas's ability to do so. This however may prove to be a more daunting task than anyone thinks. After all, Hamas will always be able to get more rockets from Iran even if Israel destroys the ones they have now. The only way to solve this issue is to cut out the "cancer" that lives in Gaza and destroy Hamas completely. Whether or not Israel has the courage to do this remains to be seen.
What I find interesting though is how this conflict is perceived by the rest of the world and how it is portrayed by the MSM. The coverage that I have seen has been decidedly anti-Israeli and completely lays the blame for this conflict at their doorstep. Incredible as that may seem, if you are an observer of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict you know that Israel ALWAYS gets the blame. It matters not that Israel has shown GREAT restraint over the past year by NOT attacking Hamas despite the fact that nearly 4,000 rockets have been launched into Israel and the cities that border the Gaza strip. I wonder how many other countries of the world would tolerate that kind of daily bombardment as well as Israel has. My guess is none. And yet the world continues to blame Israel. Why? Because there is a double standard that exists within this conflict that will never be resolved.
You see, the world, the media specifically, still thinks Israel should not be there. They side with the Palestinians every time. The poor, poor Palestinians. Did you know that there has NEVER been a country in the history of the planet called Palestine? Did you know that before Israel claimed back her land and started to develop it the so-called region of Palestine was nothing but a desert region where nothing grew and no one lived. The Palestinians aren't even a people per se, they are just misplaced Arabs that no other Arab country in the region has claimed so that they can be used for political purposes. (For more on this do some research of the Ottoman Empire and how it was broken apart after WWII) The travesty of this whole thing is that Israel CAN co-exist with the Arabs of the region and longs to do so but the Arabs are the ones who refuse to compromise.
In the end, Israel will make some gains but will most likely lose the war of public opinion as even now the MSM and their surrogates are spinning this as an act of aggression that is unnecessary. The UN as well as the EU and Russia has called for Israel to end the conflict now despite that fact that Israel has a right to protect itself against it's enemies. Again, would Russia tolerate the Ukraine launching rockets into its territory every week and causing it's citizens to live in fear? I think not. If something like that were to take place Russia would invade the Ukraine and crush the opposing force. In other words they would do EXACTLY the same thing that Israel is doing now. The reason for the condemnation though is because of how the conflict is shaped in the media. The MSM and the World media want you to believe that the "big bully" Israel is going in "guns blazing" and wiping out the innocent Palestinians who only have rocks to fight back with. The truth however, is far different. Hamas is a well funded terrorist group that get's it's backing from Iran and is in effect an Iranian "proxy" that is fighting Israel. Don't forget that another Iranian proxy just fought the Israeli's in Lebanon not too long ago with much success. This organization, Hezbollah, is also thinking of entering this conflict by launching rockets with much greater range from the North. The idea is to cause Israel to fight on two fronts and cause them to split their forces. This could be very effective and is a good plan if you look at it from their point of view.
People need to realize that Israel is basically fighting for it's very existence here. They are fighting to re-establish that "deterrence factor" that they lost after the war in Lebanon.
As it is, Israel is surrounded by hostile regimes that have vowed to destroy them and "push them into the sea". These countries need to believe that a war with Israel would be devastating for them and a mistake and the "deterrence factor" would keep them from attacking her. The Israeli's fight because they HAVE to NOT because they want to. They only long to live in peace. I pray for the peace of Israel and it's people but I also know that this will not be, according to The Bible, until just before Jesus Christ comes again. If you want to know what's going on with God's plan for the world keep your eyes fixed on Israel for it is there that the "last days" of mankind will unfold.